Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Banishing Of Negativity and Depression

Well it is no Silver Bullet and whilst it is early days and it hasn't been plain sailing I can at last begin to understand how to keep these two monsters at bay now.  I can't exactly tell you how I did this but bear with me whilst I recollect the conversation I had with my friend.  I had just speed read Eckhart Tolle's A New Earth and was also in the process of watching some of the Videos that go with that (Oprah Winfrey - search on Youtube).  That night after we had discussed the problems we had been beset with, I made a conscious effort to see if I could do something about them.

I had already been working on being in the now, in the present and be aware of myself and switching off my mind and thoughts and ego and this nasty little bit of work the pain body.  So I had glimpses of what it could be like to experience a sort of nothingness (bear with me on this).  By that I mean you become aware of yourself and it isn't your brain telling you what you are feeling.  I had gotten to the part where I had identified what was wrong with me and it was a combination of Ego, Pain Body (probably the worst part) and over analysing and just thinking like a computer all the time.  

I lay down in bed, concentrated on my breathing and nothing else.  Whilst I knew that the past couldn't hurt me and the future could not be what I schemed and dreamed and that the pain body was just a manifestation that's only purpose was to drag up the past, I just banished them and must have fallen asleep clear minded.  When I awoke in the morning it just felt so different and has done every morning since then.  In fact all day long, every day is like that now.  I do have to fight these things but they are momentary - I recognise them and just banish them with a few breathing exercises.  These thoughts and ideas aren't real and therefore can't hurt me and are unhelpful - so it's great to dismiss them and get on with my life. 

Leave you with it - it's worth trying but you do need to be in the situation that you are ready to do something about it.  I waited 7 years or more to do this - I'd urge you not to do the same.

There are some side effects that I'll share with you later but they can't be helped - see if you can think what they might be?

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