Wednesday, April 16, 2014

New Film Coming Soon about US Obesity

My only reservation about this film is that the Producer is Laurie David who produced An Inconvenient Truth which is utter bollocks and based on fear mongering and no real substantiated science - even though they said it was.   So in some ways I bet this gets the same treatment but let's see.  At least it is saying something that can be clinically and scientifically proven and that an Occam's Razor test would substantiate.  I find the other bullshit that is based on computer projections and cherry picked data to be an offensive PR exercise that has wasted billions and wants to subject us all to go back to the dark ages without actually having any thought through joined up argument.  But then that's me.

Sugar, man made foods that don't exist in nature and processed foods.  I actually had a small chocolate egg the other day as a treat - it near on flipped me out the sheer amount of sugar in it.  As I don't touch the stuff and eat very little carbohydrates the shock that tiny chocolate gave my body is enough to tell me how dangerous this stuff really is.  

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