Wednesday, July 17, 2013

A Day Without A Blog Is....

OK, I'm settling down and yesterday did a full day's work on this laptop backup and transfer project I've picked up.

Was out with my mates from school last night -- somewhat amused to find one was quite intrigued by the new me and the other one didn't notice :-) I suppose there's not too much to notice then but it was interesting to me that one noticed how much more "extrovert" I was last night.  That's good it means that I am getting a little bolder now and less introverted which is part of my overall plan.

I'm feeling absolutely great this week - the weather is absolutely amazing really hot a little too humid maybe but we must not complain.  It's one of the longest warm periods we've had for about 9 years or more.... Although I recall it being very warm the year I got ill.

Being me, being alive, it's all very good at the moment and I'm getting away from the struggles I had and beginning to let go and enjoy myself a lot more and be happy with my lot.  I still feel like I want to up sticks and just go off somewhere but that's more a feeling than the need to do it (I think so anyway).

I think I can see some avenues to build my business up and my next real challenge is to knuckle down and sort it out and get the business plan completed.  I did one 4 or 5 years ago and I just need to recover my discipline to do this.  I think perhaps I can actually do that now and once the weather makes it conducive to working in my office which feels like an oven set to Gas Mark 4 at the moment, then I can get tucked into that.  At the moment I have retreated into my Dining room which is quite cool with it's North facing window and Oak strip flooring.  I still need a fan blowing constantly though!!  It has to be low to mid 30 Degrees C I would have thought.  It's definitely shorts and loose shirts and open toed sandals weather without a doubt.

Have to say that after a dreadful few weeks things are settled back down now and really feeling good, on top of my game and happy - yes at last happy with my lot and where I am.  I mean life's still complicated but in reality it really is all good.  I feel good, I'm losing weight still (although still have some trousers and shorts I'd like to fit into again) and whilst I'm not cycling in this weather - that is getting me out and about.  I have some work to do - all is good - It actually has been a month yesterday that things changed so progress sure and steady :-)  

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