Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Angry Today - It Didn't Stop At The Previous Post

I was in a bad mood today and also sort of got hung up - I let my guard down and went back to my old self again - not a good place to be and then I had a chat with a colleague and we had both come to the same conclusion about a business proposition that had been put to us.  How do I say this nicely?  It was utter crap and ill conceived and thought through.  It was interesting to see that both of us "didn't get" the value proposition, there was no market research, no compelling events in fact bugger all - a technical term for a pile of stinking manure frankly.

Moving on I am also involved in another venture for some European Cousins, similar problem, no business plan, no marketing plan no appraisal of the market no competitive analysis - I could go on but they have the square root of sweet fanny adams and they had the bloody temerity to get back to me and say that they weren't going to provide finance to launch it in the UK.  I turned the airways blue I think f**ing amateurs probably passed my lips. Why do all the "modern entrepreneurs" think their product is so wonderful if they wont actually back it nor do they do any basic homework but want someone like me to build the business with nothing for them so that they can make a fortune?  Yea, I got off the bloody banana boat sunshine.  They have gone away with a massive bollocking and been asked to think again.

So after all of that which tested by normal calm self to its limits I realised that this was actually much more the real me - just tell them as I see it - I can't be arsed to spend any more of my time on it.

Of course this all threw "the new me" into a tailspin but I did read some interesting words about liking  or loving yourself.  I found that one of my problems is that I really don't like myself very much and this article was interesting to me especially the bit about trying to change your perception of yourself.  For what it is worth I think it is a good investment of 5 minutes to read it and then just to think about what it says, I guess it must link in to EFT as it is on a Tapping site.  

Outside of being angry today I am trying to get some balance back but know I'm going to have to talk to these clowns again tomorrow - they'll never understand business as long as they've got a hole in their bottom!  DO hope I calm down a bit though don't need anymore stress at the moment, it's hard enough coping with the new me as it is :-)

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