I've said it before that the use of our language by modern news media outlets and indeed many people is to use exaggeration and inference.
Let's take that someone "thought about doing something" I won't repeat the headline here as it's bollox frankly. It is written in such a way as if someone actually did something they were thinking about. I think about lots of things but hardly any get off of my inner head drawing table in to real life action because I am a rational person. I may think lots of things that are stupid, and wrong but that's my head sifting through hundreds of options and outcomes. Generally, the more absurd ideas are cast away but at least they were put in the melting pot and churned over for benefits and outcomes.
If the SMS had their way we'd have to believe that someone who "thought" something had actually done it or "thought" about doing it. So outlandish was this suggestion that some "thought" that a whole headline was created as if it had actually happened and the person doing the "thinking" was vilified.
It shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone that language is bent and manipulated to assert a particular point of view. Anything but the truth or two sides to a story to let you consider the facts and make a decision. It doesn't work like that these days, you are told what to think and you must not question your elders and betters now must you?
The way things are reported is very interesting in that huge violent protests can be described as "mainly peaceful" that Illegal Aliens are Irregular immigrants. The list goes on like "Birthing persons" WTF is that? I enjoy pulling apart these TV and radio reports as they say the most bizarre things and dance around subjects that actually, because of their impact on society need to be aired and discussed and not buried behind some sort of "group speak" If you dress a turd up in a tutu, it's still a turd.
Then we have missing out data (written about in the past few days) and inferring that something is a disaster and has never happened before when 10 minutes research will show you otherwise. Try wildfires as an example. They'll have you believe the situation is getting worse and yet go back a hundred years and see what sort of wildfires were around then and you'd be very surprised at how wildfires are in fact burning less acreage than then. I'd also infer that man is not helping and needs to implement firebreaks and to remove dead brush from below the trees too but hey, what do I know. The scorching temperatures, record breaking apparently aren't in fact abnormal at all, again go back and look at newspapers of the 1930s and see what sort of heatwaves were around then.
I don't know at what point everyone will just ignore or better still ridicule these MSM types? It's blatant and yet people seem to buy this narrative. You can see that nothing improves, that lessons are very rarely actually learned - every Politician and Leader says after a disaster that "lessons will be learned" like hell they will all the top people get paid off with staggering pension pots and golden handshakes leaving a trail of destruction in their wake and if you've been particularly stupid you'll probably get a Knight or Dame hood.....
The PM talking yesterday appeared to blame us, the Citizens of this country for the reprehensible way we had let the country down over the past xx years. Not the politicians voted and trusted to run the place on our behalves. It's our fault and we must be punished. I'm not sure how the public will react to what comes next? There will be crazy tax pain for lots of people and with a government who have been in power for less than two months now, their rating is through the floor and negative. That takes some doing I'd suggest.
They too use weasel words and are currently caught in the headlights as they don't actually appear to be handling things well and it looks as if their only answer is to rob us all of our pensions, savings and increase our taxes none of which I can see as vote winning ways forward. Oh well, let's see what happens when people get angry which I imagine they will do when the next set of crackpot ideas draining the treasury come out. As usual with Socialists they are going to say that they will tax the rich for the benefit of the poor. Frankly they are probably doing the diametrical opposite. The poor look like they will be taxed heavily. If you rob Peter to pay Paul you will always get Paul's vote.