Saturday, January 27, 2007


Apologies for the somewhat mundane and bland feel to this blog. Getting and recovering from Cancer isn't glamorous and things don't happen like on the films and in the books.

I was determined to try and get an entry a day into here and yet, sometimes I look back and think - how boring so you sat down and scratched your bum today - does everyone really want to know that? No, I suppose not. The ordinariness (is that a word? my spell checker says it is) should say to many people that recovering from this type of cancer isn't dramatic, you don't miraculously get up and its gone, you just go about your day to day life and gradually get fitter, better and feel things are "getting back to normal". Normal for me is what you see.

I promise to try and be a bit less boring on this blog.


Gary said...

A Dived Ref - your blog is most certainly not mundane. As I have mentioned to you more directly elsewhere I have found this blog intersting and useful as well as providing a great insight into a person copeing with a major problem. I am certain that just the way you have shown that life goes on, with it good bit, bad bits and just normal bits, would be of great help to people with the same or different problems. Keep it up :-)

A Dived Ref said...

Thanks gary - I will do, it was one of those days where I re read bits - for my own benefit and someplaces looked like anyone else's day but as you rightly say, you need to know that life goes on as normal too.