Friday, March 08, 2013

Charged Today - Really Up!

I think on reflection and also chatting to my business partner this morning I noticed how up-beat I was and that I was talking faster and more animated.  I'd reflected on how I'd done at the interview and I feel that I gave a pretty good account of myself - I was certainly "me" and was able to inject a little humour and also some passion into proceedings.  I actually think that's the best interview I've done as I was at ease, assured and had most of the answers or an opinion or a view on things.

I was working the room, answering the question with one of the interviewers and then inviting the other to agree or to buy in to what I was saying.  I forget how good (and modest) I am.  I tend to look at others as superiors when in fact they are peers at best and I just altered my attitude yesterday - I played a blinder as they say and with a few minor things that I may have done better it all worked rather well and I got on famously with the pair of interviewers and one who was also an INTJ and I got on like a house on fire as he was already very much on my wave length.

It's really good to feel good inside and all charged up and it sort of carried through to the meal and the company I met.  I met a lovely lady yesterday who worked in a charity and we had a long chat about things - she used to work at University College Hospital London which is next to UCL where I'd worked some 25 years ago :-)

It's funny though that today I'm really charged, animated and quite excited.  I hope I've done enough now to get to the next stage of proceedings - but let's see.

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