Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Drives You Nuts

I hate having to go to meetings like AGMs or Committee meetings and actually got banned after being quite outspoken at one particular meeting.  People - the other 90% of the human race who aren't like me tend to go to meetings having not read the information provided and who don't actually contribute whatsoever to proceedings.

Flocky Bicep and I had to go to one tonight and I hate it.  the last time I went I actually walked out of the meeting half way through as I was arguing with an idiot and he was bringing me down to his level - as I told him as I left the meeting.  the trouble is hardly any of these guys understand company law and when they do ask a question they don't actually listen to the answer.  They also have some sort of ADHD problem that means when we are at a Shareholders meeting you need to discuss important things (to them) like:

  • Toilet doors
  • Parking spaces
  • Gates
  • Light fittings
  • Room temperatures 
And so on!  Now - me I'm interested in how things have moved on, the larger projects in place, the accounts (who isn't) and that sort of stuff.  Now this one guy wanted to know if we were operating "within the law" when what he meant were do the accounts run as the tax year does?  Then he rattled off about the temperature in one of the toilets and by question and observation 20 or more the rest of the meeting were getting a little dissatisfied so I kind of brought the meeting to a close by saying that as that appeared to be the last question that we ought to thank the Directors and that I was almost dying of de-hydration!  I don't suppose he really got it but just liked the sound of his own voice and didn't really have the intellect to hold a conversation.  Apparently he is always like this - if I come across him again I will tell him he is an arse and I know so will Flocky.  Natural selection and the gene pool ought to have sorted this guy out.  In fact I feel like pouring a litre or two of Chlorine into the gene pool to stop people like him wasting our Oxygen!

So there you go - anyway - it's always good to see Flocky for a glass of beer or wine in my case.  

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