It's around 17 Degrees C outside and it's summer! It's hypothermia weather and I hear people are switching their central heating on. Our idiot Energy Secretary has just banned future oil exploration and we are now importers of energy not exporters like we used to be. Of course, he doesn't understand that we actually need to use cheap oil and gas to keep the lights on and to produce stuff! He's betting everything on wind and solar! Today there's little solar about especially at night and it's barely blowing a stiff breeze either. But that's OK because we are getting our electricity from France, Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands and Norway Here's an overview and .
I like that they still use words like Renewable and yet the glass fibre blades are not renewable and lay buried in the ground in landfill and the crap chemicals in solar cells and plastic etc - well you get the picture. It's bollocks.
And here's the thing. I was trying to explain that the only reason we can live at these latitudes is because of burning fuels. Try living as we humans evolved, you know, in caves, without clothes and you'll find that without modern day heating and energy sources, you are going to die from exposure. Try sleeping out at night with just an animal skin to keep you warm and you'll probably see how unsustainable it is. It was a lot warmer 90 years ago than it is now. It's been a lot warmer and a lot colder over the past 1000 years too. Just ask yourself what the Roman and Medieval Warm periods were about, why Greenland was named as such and what the Little Ice Age was all about. No one can actually tell you if the Romans driving their SUVs actually changed the climate but when they were here they were growing grapes right up to the Scottish border. How did that occur it was comfortably a few degrees more than it is now, so it has happened before. The Medieval Warm Period too.
It's all a money making scam and no one apart from those who aren't affected is in agreement. If you have your own resources it's best to use them. We sit on coal,oil and gas fields that would allow us to grow our economy and lift many out of poverty but no, the silly buggers at Westminster are rushing us to the bottom trying to go green and zero carbon. It was sold as being cheap renewable - so cheap it must have trebled in price by now if not quadrupled.
Why do they not see that this is just crippling us? They just don't care and they are too stupid to look at the consequences, there is no Plan 'B' they have gambled on this hook line and sinker. The crippling cost modestly evaluated is £3.2 Trillion. Trying to put that into some perspective would be that one million seconds is 11 Days. One billion seconds is 31 Years. One trillion seconds is 31 thousand, 710 years.
Good God what are these people smoking or drinking. FFS!