All the paperwork is complete - dad is at rest locally, mum is sort of OK but has the most awful "nervous" cough which only seems to go when she has a cough sweet or some honey, hope that it will go away after the funeral - it is directly related.
So far we've managed to get just about everything completed except the order of service and I'm waiting to hear how long I can speak for in the 25 minutes we are there. We have an overall window of 45 minutes start to finish but just the 25 minutes for the ceremony itself. With any luck, that will mean that the music is limited to 3 songs (maybe 4) and that means that the verses will also drop down to one or at best two not some of the epic poems that my brother thinks are required.
Went out to lunch with him today and hope that he's happy with my wishes for the cards and in fact it appears he may have gone in an gotten some for himself and his family so that they can have their verses on those too. I shudder at the sickly sentimentality of it all. Thank goodness I only see him very occasionally - he may look like me but goodness knows where he gets his ideas from.
As an example here is what he put on facebook:
"My Bestfriend
No one can hear my screams
In my thoughts or in my dreams
As I lie here waiting patiently
I wait for the day you come back to me
God took you away
He made me let you go
It happened for a reason
That’s all I care to know
Lately I have been thinking
Thinking about the past
The laughs and cries we shared together
You died too young, too fast
I will always think back
Back to that horrible day
The day I found out
That you, my friend, my father died.
God Bless Dad, no more pain, no more suffering XXXX"
Of course, I'm not saying it is a bad thing but I'm not certain that he would relate to this at all (dad that is). I mean "You died too young too fast" Well he was 81 and it took close to a year. Not certain I get this sort of stuff at all.