Thursday, September 20, 2012

Quiz Night

Wow - we just won the first three rounds of the Quiz Night.  After all these years of doing it, we had an extra person on board, my business partner, and the numbers just came up right for us.  So between the 5 of us we won £30 which was sweet.

We didn't win the jackpot being one number short - but that could have been £100 on top of the £30.

Lots of trouble of course in the village for that - I mean to win one round is Ok but 3 of 4 is unheard of.  Well, as I've always said, it's more about the fun of taking part and we are quite a funny little group and keep the others amused with our biffer answers and impersonations - I managed to get at least three good Monty Python quotes in to the mix to confuse the other teams :-)

Feeling quite good and also looks as if I can make the trip to Scotland after all.  I am due in Southampton on the day that the guys go to Scotland.  However, I can fly from Southampton to Glasgow and so that will allow me to get to the meeting once again where before it seemed impossible.  Thanks goodness for cheap flights and for lateral thinking!

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