Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Southampton Later Today

Looking forward to a trip out with Flocky Bicep to Southampton.  It should be a great afternoon and evening and the menu looks good.  Let's hope it lives up to its billing.

The bathroom is beginning to look pretty good now, just some minor painting to go to achieve a finished off showroom look.  My brother-in-law needs to come back and do some fixing of blanking pieces and once that's done we should be there or thereabouts.

Trying to work my way through the dilemma of what to do next and that was spurred on by conversations yesterday.  I certainly wouldn't mind getting a grip on what I want to do and started on my big mind map adding a new section that looks at just giving up my life today and doing something completely different (a la Monty Python!).  It will either get it out of my system or trigger other ideas.  Indeed, the main thing is that it will allow me to explore these ideas and analyse them and bring them into the mix as some sort of balance against the other areas I have explored, or started to.

It's perhaps one of the strangest things ever, not knowing quite what to do next.  It's never really happened in the past - I've had my moments for sure but this is really a strange place to be.  It's almost a blank sheet of paper moment.

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