Monday, September 02, 2024

Blast It! Diet Good - Teeth Not So Much LOL

 The keeping off the booze is doing well, I'm a stubborn SOB and once I've made up my mind, I normally stick to it.  It had a few days away where I treated myself to some beers but other than that it's been around 2 months without any beers.  That's a big thing as perhaps the one thing I enjoy a lot is sitting outside (or inside) or standing or.... Oh you get the picture and having a nice beer listening to music, or not, or just watching the world go by.

So, I've gone far more LCHF almost carnivore and I'm starting to do a little intermittent fasting now, mainly missing out on lunch although perhaps I should miss the evening meal but I have to cook for two so that's difficult.  I am not going to say that the weight has dropped off me but I feel noticeably thinner and I feel better than I have for quite a while.  My belt and trousers do not cut into my middle and I seem to have lost weight in different places - my sides, face and neck to start with and not my arms this time.  

The downside is that I chipped a tooth last night.  I do like a bit of Belly Pork and crisped up the crackling nicely but slightly too hard for my NHS butchered 1960/70s teeth. I don't suppose that the dangers of sweets and sugar were known about then, a bit like smoking wasn't really all that frowned upon back then.

The upshot is that I am seeing the Dentist next week and hope to get it fixed.  It isn't too bad and it isn't cutting into my mouth or tongue as sometimes these things do.

So, yes, that's annoying but just one of those things.  I have to say this carnivore diet seems to be doing the right things and despite the naysayers warnings, I actually feel a lot better, a lot lighter and I am beginning to feel better in my head too.  It's not all gone but I am feeling much more positive and I hope soon that I'll be breaking this quite long period of procrastination too.

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