Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Speed Kills

 Yee Gods, today in a Sainsbury's Car Park I nearly got wiped out by (a fellow Volvo driver) car going so fast that he would have hit me if I hadn't of stopped and he hadn't either.  I was edging out of my space and he must have been doing 20 or a bit more I guess given where he stopped after he saw me.  

It's not the first time that I have witnessed speeding in car parks - surely this is one place where people are manoeuvring and trying to get out of tight spaces and yet people drive like it's a flaming race track!  Our little local Sainsbury's has a one way system car park but no, users have to go the wrong way when they see a space and many is the time that I've come face to face with these people who wave their arms about as if that is going to somehow sort out that they are going the wrong way!

I also had some old chap tell me that my car had hit his!  I showed him my CitySafe camera and radar thingy system wotsit and told him that it doesn't allow me to drive into things as it slams the brakes on (very hard indeed).  What he had heard was the car stopping for sure but I was about 6 inches from his car and asked him to show me where the damage was and surely there must be paint work or scratches?  Of course there weren't. I bade him good day and suggested that he take photos of his and my car and send them off to his Insurance Company!  Daft bugger.

Yep driving standards are pretty bad and some of the tailgating and overtaking I've recently witnessed on blind bends, double white lines and so on is breath taking.  How the guy didn't have a head on collision is beyond me and the lorry in front of me he overtook on a blind bend, double white lines and a bit of a blind crest too.  Another who didn't like me doing the speed limit, to be fair I was slightly over but got fed up of the tailgating and so reverted to the 20mph overtook me doing around 50 I'd suggest and nearly piled into a car turning from a side road. I dislike 20 mph it is difficult not to have to drive in third gear so I leave it loudly complaining and polluting in 2nd gear.  Cars are not designed to sit in low gears like that surely?  Anyway, tailgaters get my full Captain Slow approach,  Another overtook in a 30 doing 70 or more I'd suggest at around 11 at night.  On the wrong side of a traffic island.  I now have a dashcam for such instances.

Anyway, what was so desperate that this bloke was speeding in a car park?  At least he had to emergency stop his car. 

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