Tuesday, September 10, 2024


Changing my electric company and I knew this would happen.  The departing one took a DD out of my account despite the fact that I changed a few weeks ago and was over double that amount in credit!  Great that threw my bank into meltdown and now I've got an email saying we will get the credit back to you in 10 days!  10 days, what on earth are they doing in 10 days that cannot be automatically credited back, it's all on computer these days.  So rant over on that one I suppose.

Dentists today first time since 2019.  It kept getting delayed and cancelled but I've found a local one and they all seem quite nice.  I had a chipped tooth so that's been sorted and I will see the hygienist next week so that's good too.  Of course the rant about this is that you have to pay for dentistry it's no longer NHS, our glorious NHS doesn't provide this free at the point of need.  It's been so for years and we've gotten use to it.  However, it was never envisaged as this and you can see the meddling hands of the MPs and administrators writ large on the demise of having your teeth fixed this way.

 It is interesting that my teeth otherwise are in pretty good nick for a 67 year old.  That's good.  I need to make sure that I look after them.  When my Nanny was my age she'd had them all out and was wearing dentures.


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