Saturday, September 07, 2024

Leave Me Alone! Stop Telling Me What To Do!

 I get pretty fed up and I'm stubborn as you like so if you intend to tell me what to do you will find, very quickly, that you will be being told what to do and depending on how I feel it may be an expletive lined flowery response or just NO as it normally is.  You see, no one tells me what to do and it's been a problem all my life.  I'm an INTJ which is worth looking up and reading about.

If you cannot ask me nicely and back up why you want me to do something then you are doomed to failure.  Why is massively important and if you are just being a authoritarian git you are going to get some sort of comeuppance. 

Our local council have hit the national news as they intend to spend £75 to £100K on ANPR technology on car parks meaning that you'd have to have some sort of smart device or internet to register and use it and if you are a Blue Bade Holder (for disabled people) who normally park free the unintended consequence of this is you get charged to park.

No one asked for this, it used to be free to park and get some country air and enjoy the natural beauty of the lakes and grounds and have a coffee at the cafe but no, sod our well being, we are going to get charged for it and observed by ANPR cameras.  They know that vandalism is a possibility hence they've added £25K to the guesstimate.  FFS leave us alone and stop making our lives harder especially no tech savvy people (around 12 to 20% do not have internet).  Older people have lost their Banks, Post Offices etc and are being asked to do things they have no experience in.  I'm lucky I grew up with Tech and can get my way around it - it's still sh1t and doesn't work properly for every day people.

We pay a substantial amount in taxes with a burden around 70% it's effing ridiculous and this new mob are hell bent on killing us old 'uns off over the coming winter, stopping us driving our cars despite the fact most of us live in rural areas not where the metropolitan "elite" live.

I can feel the anger brewing up against these undemocratic, waste of funds, useless policies aimed at signalling virtue and that don't actually achieve anything other than setting fire to £20 notes - p1ss1ng our money away for the sake of feeling good about themselves and appeasing a very small minority at the detriment and disadvantage of the majority.

I guess it's just something to live with for a little while longer until it all goes pear shaped.  No one seems to be noticing what the BRICS group of countries are doing and how disruptive that will be to our economy as a whole.  We are importing just about everything we used to manufacture ourselves, the only reason GDP looks good is that we also import cheap labour (or let it be imported under the radar).  Productivity is dropping alarmingly and together with low birth rates among the population things look grim.

The car crash energy policies being pursued will possibly lead to the lights going out the way that we bright eyed and optimistically look to wind and solar to power our lives without the strategy to have back up when it's night time and when the wind blows too much or not enough for you need 100% back up for all of them in these situations.  It's OK they say because it will give sustainable, cheaper supplies.  Well, my bills have doubled and there's no way that a windmill lasts 10 years let alone 25 without a lot of maintenance and of course, they are built with things that require traditional technology.  None of it is new.  

I hope that they strands of our Government start to unravel as they realise that they cannot tackle the real problems with money we and they haven't got, we can't tax our way out of it.  If they go after the "rich" then I imagine they will, like quite a few have already, leave or change their status to avoid punitive taxes and also punitive labour laws which will damage their businesses.  Why bother if you get constant envy based penny pinching from politicians.  

I'm sitting back watching it all slowly unravel and like I would do at work many times to my enemies, I will use that old maxim from Sun Tzu: "Never interrupt your opponent while he is in the middle of making a mistake."

You let them take enough rope to hang themselves and watch them run faster and faster to their jolt of awareness and even then most do not realise that they have come to the end of their plan or whatever else they were doing.

Revenge is a dish best served cold they say and so the fun part is letting people do stupid things, letting them fail colossally and smiling on the other side of your face as you pretend to show sympathy to their predicament all the time know that they bloody well deserved that and more.  

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