Saturday, September 28, 2024

Getting Away With It

I wondered as I read the latest sleaze allegations and the pathetic way our new politicians carry out their duties on the domestic and world stage how they actually get away with it.

When I made it to senior management, I'd had years to observe, record, in myself amend and work out how I was going to conduct myself when I reached high office.  My late father recommended that I start "at the bottom" and work my way up even though I was qualified to go straight into a higher graded, office job.  So I started as an Apprentice, on building sites, going to training college and part time block release college to attain my qualifications.

Being the way I am, I was able to watch how people were treated and how they reacted to such treatment and worked out, early on, how the majority of my fellow workers wanted to be managed.  I've said it before that if you want to get the best out of people then you treat them as you yourself would wish to be treated and being an adult and not treating people like kids is also to be recommended.

I could write a book on this but let me get back on point with our "Glorious Leader" who parades around glorifying in his suit, his wife's clothes and so on, bungs from donors and thinks that whilst asking us to cut back he can spunk away money on clothes given by someone else to the tune of £20,000 - many of us, Pensioners, get £12,000 a year!  So nice of dear Leader to run our noses in it.  The others are the same, it's coming out already (normally they have the sense to do this 3 or 4 years into their term of office) and they all look like hey are on the take.  On top of their salaries they are getting money from unions and other donors and some are very well off indeed.  Why would you want to sponsor an MP?  Yes, we all know why.  It's always been the same but this isn't some African or South American dictatorship, this is the United Kingdom FFS!

Who in their right mind then tells us, the people, that we have to expect big pain financially yet these lot spend money like water, our money for there is no "Government Money" that does not exist any thing they spend come from us.  They just spunk it out and put their hands in our pockets to pay for it.

I'm not sure how this will end really.  I don't think anyone has the patience to wait for four more years or five to get rid of them.  They are truly hated and need to somehow be brought down to earth.  Our Foreign Secretary wasted no time in telling th UN that he was an oppressed black man forced into slavery or some other bollocks (I switched over at this part).  I think he was meant to be putting the UK view on Israel but no, ten seconds in it was all about him and his oppressed background.  I hope people laugh at him to his face.  This man who turns up in a suit but wearing trainers!  Dick head.

I really hope that they all are enjoying not being able to be out in public without getting verbally abused.  That their local pubs are banning them after all they have their blades out for pubs with the no smoking in public nonsense also coming along.  Like prohibition, and we all know how that ended, these things don't actually do what the theoretical politicians and bureaucrats want to do.  It goes underground.

I like that us Log Burner folk (well we don't have mains gas here or drainage - like millions of us) are threatened with a fine for polluting over a certain % or some such nonsense.  Where I live, everyone has a log burner or open fire and I'd be surprised if anyone would report someone for the odd smelly or smoky chimney - it happens occasionally - more so when everything is cold and you are setting up.  I have my meter so can happily show someone the readings before sticking the meter up their arse!   Why, all of a sudden?  I imagine that as they can't tax Log fires they can fine their owners.  For sure, in Town perhaps there's a point and if people don't actually know how to run a log fire efficiently then perhaps I can see their point but as usual some numpty thinks taking control of my life is what they'd like to do.

This petty interference with our day to day lives is getting beyond the pale now and surely people will kick off about it.  

I'm going to do what I usually do and that is anything to make life harder for them.  Getting back to old fashioned letters that someone has to take the time to answer.  Calling out every mistake and contradiction.  Asking for clarity you know, being a pain in the arse for these people.  To me, if they want to play silly buggers, then I'm your Huckleberry for sure.  Just be politely awkward (such a difficult word to spell) and make them run through lots of circles.  If they are after £20, let's have 10 letters forwards and backwards and let's pay it in loose coinage.  After all it's only fair that I give these people as mush sh1t as they give me, plus some.

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