Sunday, September 08, 2024

Lunch With Friends

 Our Aussie Friends are coming towards the end of their 3 month trip and we had our final lukch with them today.  I mention this as he ordered a second pint and took a few sips and said that his eyes were far too big for his stomach and so would I like to have it as he'd only sipped a bit.

Well, I don't like to see beer go to waste and so I did have it, I suppose about 2/3rds of a pint.  It was very nice and I haven't touched alcohol for about a month now I guess so it was strange what it did to me.

I feel fine but I really could down a couple of pints as once you've got the flavour you really could have another.  I didn't, I was driving but I did feel like picking up a 4 pack and having them tonight but I've resisted that and the odd slip off the wagon in beer and food isn't so bad as long as it isn't regularly done.  

Had some maniac motorbike overtake me as I was beginning to pull out for a parked car!  It's a good thing that I am aware of motorbikes and was able to brake to let him past or else at the speed he was travelling he would have been pretty seriously injured.  He had no number plate on so not going to be easy to identify him, hopefully someone has better dash-cam of the incident than I do.   

It was interesting that they didn't know that I had been married before - but now they do know :-) It's interesting gauging reactions and seeing people who had made assumptions about you suddenly find out something new and unexpected about me..  

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