Thursday, September 12, 2024

Is The Curtain Finally Being Pulled Back? Toto, It's Time To Do Your Duty

 A great scene that in the Wizard of Oz as the Wizard is exposed for what he is by Toto who pulls back the curtains.

Here, in the UK, I think it is finally dawning on the public what some of us have known for years and that is that we are run by incompetent chancers.  Yesterday our Foreign Secretary gave away £3BN and promised that much every year for continuing the war in Ukraine.  They gave £11BN for Net Zero reparations or whatever based on the amazing (if true) possibility that CO2 found at huge quantities of.....wait for it... 400 parts per million in the atmosphere can magically affect the planet's climate. So that's less than 0.04% have I got that right?  So less than 1% forces the remaining 99.96% to heat up.  Anyhow, £11BN and then there's £12BN for foregin aid to places like China and India, yes China and India tiger economies.

Meanwhile here they are attempting to save £1.3BN by taking away the pensioner's £300 winter fuel benefit.  It was there because the pension really doesn't cover enough to properly live on, the living wage being some £8000 a year more that the pensioners get.  On top of that nearly all of us now fall into the tax bracket due to fiscal lag.  The personal allowance hasn't been changed and so pensioners now have to pay tax on their pensions, not a lot but enough to be a nuisance.  They add the money and make a headline of it but of course that isn't how much you'll get.  

I paid into a pension for most of my life, losing not quite half of it through divorce proceedings.  So for my diligence in saving for old age, I get rewarded by that being taxed too!  

The MPs were elected and this is where Twitter and Facebook et al come to our assistance, on protecting the Pensioner's winter fuel payments and so on.  We know exactly which ones agreed with the Government and who did not.  Some MPs are surely going to get a hard ride in the future on this.  Fifty abstained and they should have voted against and lost the whip as only one did.  Brave, MP, principled and that is what we have - cowards, not representing the views of their constituents and slowly the public are beginning to see what these people are like.

There are around 10 million pensioners and of course, some are well off enough to cover the bills etc.  However, lock-down and other world problems have doubled my fuel bill in the last 4 to 5 years.  I cannot run my beloved AGA oven as it chomps through 40 litres of fuel a week which is now close to £32 when it was around £16 it was OK as it also heated the house so the impact on the central heating was minimal.  Electricity and Gas have all but doubled and many people are struggling, the very people these MP charlatans said they'd help and protect. 

I really hope that the people will now get angry and I am glad to see that MPs are getting heckled and yelled at in the street.  I hope that people write into their MPs and tell them what they think about them.  I don't wish it but there looks as if many people will be severely impacted by this and they know that 2 or 3 million pensioners should be on benefits and top ups and they aren't.  Why?  well a bit like the old chap in the bank yesterday, I don't have internet banking a smart phone and I am deaf so I cannot hear what your Indian Call-centre lady or man is saying to me.  They don't have internet banking, the DWP are advertising on Facebook FFS - how may older people use Facebook or even know what it is?  It's pathetic and wrong.  Those in greatest need are the more vulnerable of our population and the MPs have thrown them under a bus.

Of course, they still get their second home allowances and expenses paid, they don't need to go and get means tested just to stay warm this year!  Today is one of the coldest September days I can remember, there's a north west wind from the Arctic and even snow falling on the Scottish mountains and hills!! That's normally a November thing having been up there when it does snow!

I think the anger needs to ratchet up a few notches and this pathetic bunch of liars for that is what everyone can now plainly see are confronted every day with the consequences of their actions.   Taking away something that is seen (rightly so) as an integral part of the pension because they don't pay enough in the first place is like taking sweets or a toy away from a child just after you gave it to them.  It was there for a purpose, it is outdated and hasn't kept up with the costs of fuel doubling and now, when energy costs are going up, it has been taken away so in reality, you have the money you haven't got any more and the impact of the near doubling of fuel costs and they are rising 10% in October and possibly another 5% in January. So the impact isn't the loss of £300 is it probably more like £500 or more that has to be found after losing the £300 anyway.

Everyone needs to stop believing that these imbeciles even know how to govern and they are not our lords and masters, they are our servants.  Why no one seems to realise is beyond me, maybe they just enjoy being pushed around, bullied and being told what to do.  They'll be telling us who our friends are and whether we can leave the house or not next!  To Hell with the lot of them. 

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