Wednesday, September 11, 2024

No Sh1t Sherlock

 As I am apt to say on many occasions when some dumb f***wit in high positions does something stupid or suddenly what I've been saying for ages comes to pass.

The Government are realising they have a youth unemployment problem.  Indeed, if it  easier to sit at home and get paid to do so then that sort of thing happens -no sh1r Sherlock.

They voted through the removing of the Pensioner's winter fuel allowance which by their own statements they weren't going to do and opposed as 4,000 could die.  But they voted it through anyway whilst increasing fuel bills so we can pay some sort of green levy that should have meant our bills were cheaper as it was greener, renewable, reliable, cheaper.  People who voted for them can't believe they did it despite hey always have been the politics of envy and whilst saying they represent the working class, they've just sh1t all over them.  People are angry, they didn't keep their word.  No sh1t Sherlock.

Labour Politicians are being yelled at and sworn at in the street, heckled and are finding out that they are truly disliked by their constituents because they have supported the removal of the winter fuel allowance, released prisoners early, and are now openly saying they are coming after more punitive tax raids on our money.  They don't feel safe and they feel intimidated because of the decisions they've made and it comes as a big surprise when you don't keep your word or you punish the people who voted for you.  No sh1t Sherlock.

Oh, the sale of EVs is down and no one can see why.  Well, if you live where I do, you can see why as you'd be hard pushed to run one in a rural environment.  As subsidies disappear and you start to impose road taxing on them they don't look such a good deal.  Given the depreciation figures on them I'm surprised anyone would want one.  I can see that having one in a city might be considered useful but hold on, after 5 years the comparison on the second hand market shows a huge problem.  If you need to replace the battery you quickly see where the black hole of ownership will end up.  People sound surprised that this is a problem.  I just say no sh1t Sherlock.

I see businesses are busy working out how to get the hell out now.  They see changes to the tax regime and CGT, IHT, NI and other things are going to make it difficult to run a business in this country, enabling workers to change working practices, impositions on landlords and things that surely are designed to stifle growth and throttle back productivity make no sense.  Our economy is stagnant now and the shock of these new measures being introduced will potentially divert investment away from this country who's costs are too high, productivity, too low, energy costs are too high and taxes too.  As the country starts to stagnate we could perhaps say no sh1t Sherlock.

There are a number of people of notoriety (they aren't celebrities whatever anyone states) who are in the public eye and are shall we say, activists, not presenters and they command high fees and just make obnoxious comments on social media and are revered by people etc.  Shock and horror, their employers have just found out the reasons for their programme ratings crashing is because they hold these extreme views, cannot separate their job from their personal views and spout a load of garbage.  Ratings falling, people don't like them, they dislike the content of the programmes and so they switch off and some no longer watch TV and so no longer pay the licence fee and suddenly the pockets are hit and blinking like Rabbits caught in the headlights they have no idea how they got here or what to do to get themselves out of it because they know best but they don't - it's funny to watch them blaming their audience for not thinking the way that they do!!! So ratings plummet, licence uptake is down significantly, and no one saw it coming.  No sh1t Sherlock.

Failure must be a natural part of the day to day experience of these people.  Quite how they f**k up so massively and so regularly and blame us for their failures and shortcomings is beyond me.  They have no common sense and have little strategic long-term thinking.  One wants to save the planet and imposes some sort of green agenda which actually punishes everyone in the country, delivers nothing except costs, has no benefits whatsoever, isn't measured, isn't monitored and is so narrow in outlook that it affects lots of other areas through the knock on effect not considered or even thought about.  They get all upset about it but do not have the ability to scrutinise their own part in their inevitable downfall.  The cognitive dissonance if off the wall.  We didn't epxect that and I just say no sh1t Sherlock.  

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