Monday, September 02, 2024

Right Wing or Left Wing

 So as far as I remember the Nazi Party were National Socialists but now they are also Fascists and Far Right.  It's all a bit confusing really as anything right of centre is Far Right these days.

I'm far right according to toady's description and so are most of my friends.  Our socialist Government are, well, far left in that case I suppose, they certainly aren't middle ground and their current trajectory appears to show an authoritarian rule, with any criticism appearing to be so bad that you can spend time in the gulag for it.

I'd rather have questions that can't be answered than answer that can't be questioned.  Not sure who said that but it's not common that you cannot question what Dear Leader has proclaimed and you cannot have rationale argument nor can there be any discussion about decisions taken.

We shall see where this leads us.  It looks like we've lost in a very short space of time, our glorious democracy.

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