Sunday, September 08, 2024

Sunlit Uplands Indeed

 The lies started before the cam to power and continue now.  "Everything is broken" says Dear Leader.  Surely he knew this as he stated it incessantly before his election and now it comes as a total surprise to him.

The "OUR NHS" (glorious health service of no criticism allowed) is broken he says and blow me down, how does he intend to fix it?  Same as always, throw money at it in the hope some, like mud or sh1t will actually stick and achieve something.  No root and branch reform, no, lets throw money at it, it's never worked in the past but it might work now.    “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” -attributed to Albert Einstein, but likely to be apocryphal. 

The chancellor's latest move of adding 20% VAT to public school fees (Private schools in the UK are called this for some obscure reason) has resulted in council suddenly getting an influx of pupils now unable, now, to attend these schools needing to be found places and the councils are squeaking about it, they don't have the places nor the staff etc.  The politics of envy at play thinking they were going to get a great big tax hike now find that it is probably not as big a take and they have to divert money elsewhere to fulfil statutory duties to educated children in the state schools.  Many of these politician's were educated privately themselves but they've always despised the system that they were educated in.

I think it was Churchill who in his "The Few" speech mentioned the sunlit uplands but I doubt we will see them with this bunch of clowns tearing down our country and society.

I wrote earlier on FB that I had a note on my desk at work that stated:

"It is difficult to soar with Eagles when you work with Turkeys!"

How true that was and indeed is.

We are going to hell in a handcart here and the quality of leadership gives hope that our local Village Idiot might aspire to high office in the near future!  

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