Sunday, September 01, 2024

Right In Your Face

 How annoying is it that politicians lie?  Now they don't even do it so you can't see it.  Straight in your face.  Three months ago they weren't going to do anything that would affect the vast majority of people but now, they are doing bat sh1t crazy stuff.  They want o ban smoking in public and yet can't stop the illegals coming over in their rubber dinghies!  They want to save money by taking it off of Pensioners.  

There's this blind spot which is just amazing.  They rattle on about how bad everything is but don't actually do anything about it.  No plan, no vision, no ideas!  I've had to lead some bloody awful projects and do loads of Project Red jobs and you don't get to lead your team by telling them everything is sh1t and oh y God what have we walked into (even if deep down you think or know that).  No, it's a challenge to get your team on side, work on how you are going to deliver and then set a plan and go for it.  Sure, every now and then it's too difficult to deliver but you never start off by suggesting that you aren't going to be able to deliver and that it's a disaster.  Our PM and his cohorts obviously don't look at it this way.  It's as if they've stepped into dog poo the faces they pull, the hand wringing, the blaming anyone but themselves, their inability to actually talk it up and lead the country or give us some hope.  

It's not at all surprising that their ratings are negative, they've plummeted and rightly so.  Impacting 10 million pensioners by taking away their heating payment and then upping fuel costs by 10%!  People can see the waste and inability of these people to actually take tough decisions and tell the truth.  Spunking the money away in billions of pounds and blaming us!  They are meant to be looking after things but the level of incompetence is breath taking. It's as if they've rounded up all the Village Idiots and made them Members of Parliament.  

They lie right to your face and you can see it, they are creepy and that is what I think will be their undoing.  

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