Friday, January 31, 2025

Infamy, Infamy....

 "They've all got it in for me!" (So said Kenneth Williams as Emperor Julius Caesar in the 1964 film Carry on Cleo).  

And so it felt this morning as my altered plans were once again,.... altered.  Rain stopped play or a I was going to do continue stripping out the English Ivy from our hedgerow. It's been raining since the early hours and that's a nuisance as I really wanted to get as much cleared as possible to plant the hedging plants I've bought.  We have a selection of Hawthorn, Dog Rose, Dog Wood, Beech, Silver Birch and Holly which should fill in the gaps of the hedge nicely.

But there you go, it's just wet and horrible out there and no signs of clearing up anytime soon.

Well at least the Six Nations Rugby starts tonight and I've been a bit naughty by buying some beers to watch it with.  It hasn't been a totally dry January but I did finish off all the Christmas beer before the New Year - the fallout though is that there's been so much food left over that I have only just got back onto my carnivore diet.  I haven't put on a lot of weight but it is noticeable that I've put on a little.  Hopefully this year I can set to and lose a lot more.

The current government are just a nasty sad bunch of losers.  They behave like spoiled children in parliament and the education secretary needs, well, to put in mildly, an education and to learn some manners.  She comes across as a disgusting poison mouthed common piece of sh1t.

Oh well, has anoyne seen through the extra runways and tunnels nonsense yet?  Huge capital projects that probably wont see the light of day until I have shuffled off this mortal coil.  Just  smoke and mirrors to deflect from the self inflicted, near mortal wound, dealt to the country by a budget that's probably been written by AI and peer reviewed by a child.  

Being dealt a 20% increase in our water bill was a bit bad yesterday considering half of our town has been without water for days due to a power cut!  Where the hell do they think we are going to get that sort of money from given all the other increases we have just suffered?

Thursday, January 30, 2025

I'm Always Complaining

 I am though.  Today it was with Amazon who moments after I bought something then held a flash sale and the blatantly displayed a big saving on what I'd bought.  I complained not that it had gone down but that they had blatantly shown a flash to me moments after completing the purchase which was a bit like a punch in the face.  So I suggested that they might like to look at that as it isn't a great sales technique.  A bollocks answer generated by AI no doubt gave me "The Company Position" which all I really wanted to point out was it probably wasn't good for business.

Then there's driving.  In a supermarket car park where people are loading their cars and wandering around with trolleys and the like surely you'd drive a little slowly and cautiously?  No not bleeding Lewis Hamilton in his Volvo - I was edging out past a van and I glimpsed this bloke in the car opposite's windscreen and so stopped, he skidded to a halt near to me as he'd possibly seen me moving out.  I did give him my raised eyebrow look.  What an idiot though, the skid marks were pretty long so I'd say he was hitting 20 or 30 and then had to emergency stop not that I was anywhere near him as I'd halted my car and wasn't even sticking out into the drive.

Then we had a grandchild with us at a restaurant and he's very good holding hands and the like, two vehicles swung into the car park and narrowly missed us and we were on the raised pavement.  What's the point guys, what is the point you can't actually park at that speed can you?  

So those complaints for today along with, my latest one.  We need to sort out our hedgerow it's been neglected and is covered in English Ivy so I ordered some trees to replace a few and to fill the gaps knowing that delivery was to be 10 days which was great.  That would allow me time to remove the Ivy, dig over under the hedge and prepare for the new trees.  Two sodding days they arrived in - 2 days!  FFS.  I've been out there working like mad today and have only got about a fifth of the hedge done.  That's filled up the compost bin already and the heavy stuff is yet to come.  Oh well, it just means that I'll have to give it a good go tomorrow now and hopefully get it finished over the weekend. Let's hope the weather stays fair.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

The Art Of Doom Scrolling

 Here I am sitting in my office scrolling through pointless vacuous Facebook posts and rolling my eyes at the bizarre comments and general fecklessness on display and whilst I have done a little work this morning, re-pressurised the boiler and got the driveway gates unlocked and closed (I opened them for the gales we've had - it saves them getting damaged and also overly stressing the gate posts).  I was going to head out but there's a likelihood of rain they say - although it looks OK to me.

The betrayal of the WASPI women was debated yesterday and our Government seemed to be OK dishing out huge pay rises to their mates but not settling yet another glorious f**k up by our leaders.  This despite the PM, Deputy PM, Chancellor etc etc saying they'd sort it out.  That is the general level of lying corrupt politicians we have at the moment.  Either they are so out of touch that they don't understand that the very basics of trust are built on say what you do and do what you say.  This lot have lied and incompetently bumbled their way along and pretend that they know what they are doing.

They amass enemies like my house amasses dust.  I hope that the whole thing blows up in their faces.  Their own MPs are getting roasted by their constituents and rightly so and I imagine many will be wondering what they've signed up to.  These "leaders" are woefully inadequate, have little or no real world experience and lack the basic principles that they should hold dear. 

Totally feckless and unbelievably gullible.  They are throwing good money after bad and expecting things to improve but will not compensate around 3.5 million women who had their pensions disrupted and they are happy to bare faced lied to them.  They supported them to get the votes and then sh1t on them from on high.  They wonder why we hate and deride them?   They cannot argue their way out and so, like so many these days they resort to name calling and accusations of "Far Right" to people who call them to account.  Not so long ago they were opposing everything and now they are in power have proved they are just the other cheek of the same arse.  

The damage it does is that no one takes those in authority seriously now.  Their adenoidal nose speak is horrible and their lecturing us from a position of ignorance is also rubbing us up the wrong way.  I've never been able to lie to people which is a strength and a weakness.  A strength in the fact that I've never had to remember a lie I might have told.  A weakness because people don't like to hear the answers to their questions.  What's the point in making them feel good by lying to them?  

People ask questions sometimes for their own benefit.  When I was ill "How are you today?"  When answered with I'm in serious pain lying on a bed and wanting it to go away they'd go quiet.  The thing was they wanted to hear you were OK.  No one wanted to hear that you might die for example and wouldn't ask properly hence I bought the Monty Python Tee Shirt with "I'm Not Dead Yet!" on it.  

Oh well. lets' see what car crash the Chancellor gets herself into today.  Apparently everything is great and we are "Going For Growth" so that's alright then.  The figures don't show that and the markets may not totally agree with her either.  Most of us just want to put two fingers up and express our indignation that we ended up with half the North Korean Communist Party governing us.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Incentives And Behaviour

 I recall one of the discussions we had years back was about the law of unintended consequences and how people behave when incentivised to do so and how, if these behaviours are not thoroughly thought through and tested then there are problems.

The Cobra problem in British controlled India was a case in point.  These snakes were seen as a problem and a bounty was placed on the head of each snake delivered to the authorities.  It was proposed that this would incentivise the population to assist in getting rid of these snakes.  What happened was that there were a lot more snakes than the British realised but in fact the bottom lie was that the locals were breeding them so as to make income from the snake bounty.  It happens in industry quite often as well as in local and big government too.

When a target is placed on a service a KPI it prioritises that service to deal with the target and perhaps not something else in the system.  I complained to my boss many times that every quarter (for we were a US based company) that they'd change the goalposts, they'd tell us to do something different.  Go for Revenue, Go for Profit, Go for Cash Flow, go for Sales and so on.  You probably get the picture.  My complaint was that I'd got my 120 strong staff to concentrate on one thing and it takes a while to turn a ship, communicate the changes, advise the customers and put training in place and 3 months and the next quarter came and I'd have to do it all again but for some other metric.  The hideous costs involved in changing these directives came at the cost of productivity and no one really knowing what they were meant to be doing.  

There was, I complained, a lot of change for changes sake and then there would be the disappointing quarterly figures to deal with.  You know, Revenue is down we need to concentrate on revenue, Oh now profits are down so we need to concentrate on profits and around we went.  Linked to these goals were behaviours and targets and everyone wanted to get their bonus and so they did these targeted things.  Often the targets were at odds with the outcomes but we incentivised people to achieve these and once they did, we would be obliged to pay them no matter what internal or external damage these had caused.

I was amused to see that it happens today in a strange round about way.  The government of the day cannot fathom why despite saying they are going for growth that it isn't happening.  The PM states that the measures are working and we are seeing the green shoots of a turn around.  Absolutely delusional along with his feckless Deputy and Chancellor.  There's no incentive to work any harder because you get taxed more, people aren't stupid and why should they do anything when there is no incentive to better oneself.  I looked at the Tax on dividends and Capital Gains and the limits on these have shrunk to limits where you are going to get taxed for having just a few hundred pounds coming in.  

It's not worth working extra time for, it's not worth making more money than the Tax thresholds because the system is unfair and fully garnered against you.  If you run a business, the corporation tax is up, business rates are up and if your employ someone you are walking into a new minefield of regulation and higher employment taxes.  You can't sustain any of it and if you want to change behaviour you must make it worthwhile.  People are fed up of their money being wasted, given away and being handled by incompetent ideologues who don't care and cannot see that their actions are causing great anxiety and stress as well as impoverishing the very people they say that they are elected to represent.

At the moment they seem to think that all is well in their world and despite people yelling at them to change course and to wake up and smell the coffee (well it's brown and doesn't smell like any coffee I've tasted) they are happily full steam into the Iceberg of economic ruin.  How any of them have kept their jobs I don't know.  Time will tell I suppose but they've certainly chosen poorly and made people very wary about spending money and many are concerned for their jobs and welfare.  

Monday, January 27, 2025

Can't Get Away From All This Doom And Gloom

 It's a case of new day new f**k up by someone or other in the government.  Today it's more grabs on dead people's estates from the thieving bastards.  Essentially the way they implement taxes it's downright theft and bayoneting the wounded and dead bodies after the battle is the low stooped to by this feckless bunch of politicians.  

Councils are declaring a 114 so that they can charge way more than they were allowed to under the law.  Some of these are looking to charge 15% or more.  Councils are charging us more but delivering us less and less.  I see no improvements to services and all I do see is our money spunked away on traffic schemes that didn't work and needed to be changed back again.  Costly gold plated pensions schemes and of course there's always plenty of money to spend on DEI and wokery too.  

The County council are delaying our right to vote and want to become a unitary council which is ridiculous considering how large our county actually is.  There's mounting anger with it all and I hope that it will end very badly for the main political parties.  I fear the country will go to the dogs to start with but somehow this has all got to end.  I said before about the tail wagging the dog and the 1% or 2% makes so much noise that they get their way when the vast majority do not.  It's time to change it and make this nonsense go away.  

When they started to ease discipline in school and then forced the unruly kids to stay on dragging down the good ones it was as if they wanted everyone to be dumbed down. I can understand that dumb and stupid are excellent qualifications for a politician but not for many of us who held responsible jobs.  If I didn't do my job correctly people could have died.  Do you think that being a dumb fool would be a defence in that case?

I knew this government would be bad but they are really going to town with the complete lack of direction, planning or coherent policies.  I imagine that they are only given crayons to write with in case they injure themselves.   That's is they haven't banned buying crayons from Amazon this morning!  Believe me, that wouldn't surprise me in the nanny shut the stable door after the horse has bolted world they frequent.  The deflection and misdirection going on is pathetic, childlike and so obvious that even stupid people can see through it and call it out.  It's like listening to a class load of prepubescent 12 year olds arguing over who their favourite pop star is and then when called to order by the teacher explain that they were discussing the subject they were meant to be studying.

I watch as they stagger from one f**k up to another, stumbling over the rotten corpse of the last lie they told and digging themselves every deeper into a pit of lies.  Painting themselves into a corner of moral ineptitude and financial naiveity that is almost beyond belief.  It's like a kid who can't add up being given £20 pocket money and being let loose in a gaming shop.  It will all end in tears when the sums don't add up.

Reminds me of one of the phrases on my desk that I used to say was about me "His men would follow him anywhere, mainly out of curiosity"  

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Ronald Reagan Summed It Up

 When he said 

"I think you all know that I've always felt the nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the Government, and I'm here to help."

He's right.  Our lot are totally pathetic, lying bunch of turds I've ever seen and I can't be alone in thinking this.  Polls suggest that most people think these people lie all the time and that they are inept.

Working on a "Don't fix it if it ain't broken" would be a start but every Minister wants to "put their mark" on their portfolio which is why Health, Education, Transport and most things are FUBB, f****d up beyond belief!  

Hidden in Bills are snooping on your bank account for Pensioners.  Idiots who think that a Pension paid in all my life by me into the system is a "benefit" when it is an ENTITLEMENT!! Who the hell puts these imbeciles in charge (I know that we vote but we have no say over the lack of grey cells these people display).  Once again, they lie, they hide information and they overreach their powers. 

Of course, I attempt to do my bit in contacting elected representatives but to little or no avail.  This intrusion into our bank accounts as Pensioners is once again, beyond the need to do so.  If the system was fair in the first place there probably wouldn't be a need for this.  But successive Governments and civil servants have tinkered and  fiddled with the system making it horrendously complex and with it full of holes and on top of that it is administered by people more interested in rainbow coloured flags than helping the people that need it and not always getting it right and I've seen too much of this where people are badly advised and then punished because the Government Department made the mistake in interpreting the complex system and they then have to suffer the consequences of it.

I wonder if the British, who are generally known for the tolerance, will eventually reach the limit of that toleration of these ne'er-do-wells. It's brewing under and the polls show are distinct shift to the right and if things go as badly as I am expecting, there will be a lot of discontent coming.  It's all pain and no gain at present.  Finally the people begin to see through the myopic ideology of these policies that are there to make others richer at our expense and do absolutely nothing for us.  They appear to have lost the very reason they say they are in Government and as sleep Joe Public starts to wake up from a bad dream they find themselves in a living nightmare.  

Bills have all but doubled since 2020 and no one complains and no one appears to have looked at that and said hold on, by shutting the country (and the world) down against all previous experience and knowledge causing a financial catastrophe, printing their way out, having zero interest rates etc etc etc what did you expect to happen?  I wrote to my MP at the time and suggested that not only did I not expect to live in a North Korean regime but that it would lead to employment and financial woes.  It did for me it killed off my business (not the first time that politicians have done that to me).

Add to that this present set of shackling tax rises and you've got the makings of a third world economy.  And our idiots think closer ties with Europe which is going down the toilet faster than we are (just look at Germany and France's economic figures) and you've got all our Captains of Politics going down with the same boat.

The disaster is just appearing on the horizon and it's time for some smart work by the politicians but I don't think that smart is in their tool box but there's plenty of dumb, stupid, naive, incompetent, thick and similar in there, almost an unlimited supply from what I see. 

Because no one trusts these people and we see through their lies and how generally incompetent they really are, they hold no real authority with many people.  I ignore them, will not watch them or listen to them and only enjoy their gaffs and hearing about their car crash interviews and policies. They were an angry mob in opposition but now they govern they are an incoherent blob of failed promises, blatant in your face lies and they demonstrate a complete lack of a plan, coherent joined up thinking or indeed any shame or humility.

I do hope they rot in hell.  Those in society who are weak and frail, those who need a government to look after them have been deserted and thrown to the wolves.  I'm not sure if this is accurate but we have to look to the dark days of the 1930s where it was Hitler's management style to not give written orders and therefore ministers were not entirely sure of their portfolios and these overlapped and whilst they were busy politically fighting each other.

Here we have a lack of a plan, I think they didn't expect to take power in the way they did but that's a problem with our voting system as they polled less than 30% but have a huge majority.  What little they said has been reversed out of, all the promises have been broken in 6 or is it 7 months.  They appear to be working a s a set of individuals and not a joined up government.  The Net Zero religion is spending money on something that will never give a return and that is trying to use untested, unproven technology £20BN worth mind you.  They are building an AI data-centre ready in 6 years but our energy costs are too expensive for anyone to invest in it.  They go to places like Iceland where they have geothermal almost free energy supplies and plenty of it.  

No one works out the feasibility of there grand plans and designs.  EVs no one can afford them or the losses involved in owning them and the electricity to charge them can't be built in time for their 2030 target.  We know that, how come they don't we will all be taxed so hard that none of us can afford a car anyway.  Stifling everything is hardly joined up policy and looking west will only exacerbate the problems.  

Oh well, other than that, everything's fine of course!

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Looking Back Is It Healthy?

 Eleven years ago I moved out of the martial home and into a house share with my friend.  We were both leaving our wives and needed an interim pied-à-terre.  It was a nice house a bit barren as I moved in with some stuff - just enough and then went and got some from the house and put the rest in storage (a bad move in some ways stuff got rusty etc).  Anyhow that was what happened.  Some years before that on the same day I'd had another operation that proved clear - there were a few of those too but better safe than sorry and hey, I'm still here!

It got me to wondering whether looking back is a good thing, is it reaffirming, useful or am I being romantically nostalgic?  Were things better then or are they now?  Are we ever "satisfied with our lot"?  Recently a number of people I haven't spoken to in 40 year or possibly 50 years have been chatting in a Facebook group and connecting and whilst that's nice, it presents us all with these pictures of the past with photos of how we are now!  I wrote a post a few days ago about how beautiful we were in our youth but we probably didn't know or realise it.  We are still beautiful and we are probably able to reflect on that fact a bit more in a retrospective way through our children and grandchildren maybe.

Getting old isn't a lot of fun.  Eyesight, Hearing, ailments, bits wearing out and today I feel cold my fingers and my back too.  It's nature of course and it's inevitable that this will happen and in some ways when you do look back you see how physically fit you were, how active and how much stamina you had.  I worked hard and did overtime, then travelled for sometimes over an hour to get home then had a quick bite to eat and then did a few hours work on the house.  When I had time off I (and me ex) looked after a huge garden, did DIY around the house, repaired things, made wine, jam and the like with the garden produce and held down jobs.  These days talking to youngsters they ware always tired and don't do much when they get home apart from Netflix.  Geez, we worked like crazy but there you go things change.  I'd like half of my energy and stamina back :-) 

It's the problem of getting old and suddenly you are confronted with the problems of lifting heavy boxes and doing any heavy work just wears you out and that's annoying.  You cannot help but look back and remember how fit you were.

The past has gone, no need to worry about it is something that I do now as I no longer beat myself up about it but I am writing a biography and I find that it is interesting to look back and reminisce about those "good times" for the bad times do fade I find.  The trouble is that I can still be dragged mentally into the point where 11 years ago I left my old house for the last time and up to a point I was happy there.  That if I had done something differently some other outcome may have occurred and of course, it didn't and it doesn't matter but the little voice in your head tries to take the thoughts over.

Looking back is OK but I need to firmly root myself here in the present or my mind will start to go back to its tortured state it was in 10 or more years ago!

Friday, January 24, 2025

Lipstick On A Pig

 This came to mind thinking about what is going on today in the UK.  There's an abhorrent crime but wee are told that it isn't terror related despite what we have been shown.  Not my call but along with many others we blink in the bright sunlight of once again finding out that we haven't been told the whole truth in fact we've been obfuscated, yet again.  Politicians and "the authorities" seem to deliberately do this and for what purpose?  Are we not sufficiently mature to hear the facts, are we afraid that we will inflict hurty feelings?  

The bottom line is that they aren't very good at lying to us and they do so for the wrong reasons so as not to offend anyone and yet the offend my intelligence and that of the vast majority of us.  Once again, they try and protect the 1% of people who are offended by absolutely everything and want the 99% to do what they want, bow to their medieval hatred and backward ways.  I for one am fed up with it all and want them to GIVE IT A F***KING REST! 

This heinous crime and life sentence were greeted by a commentator as if there was going to be a race riot.  Why did he even think that was the case?  Finally we saw this monster for what he was, a snivelling coward and then I've got someone spouting off to me that diversity is our strength.  It's got nothing to do with that and your stupid silly conclusion that we think like that.  What's annoyed everyone is the lack of action from the authorities because of that very problem, treading on egg shells, unwilling to upset a tiny minority of the population who do not hold the values of this country and its people at their hearts and so want to impose a version of their stupid self image onto us.  

I kind of don't care who you are, what your religion is, what you identify as as long as you go about it in your own quiet way, like I do, like my fellow citizens do.  But OH NO, you can't be doing that, you want us to bend to your backward, medieval, insane vision of a world where you take centre stage, are offended by everything, read insults into every word we say to you and think that it's ALL ABOUT YOU.  About time we got a grip but our politicians are feckless parodies, inept is too high up the stupid order for the vast majority of them.  Politicians who think that the war in Ukraine is about slavery, who cannot think strategically, who don't understand economics, global impacts and who have no idea of the appliance of good science.

If anything, the inconsistencies of the way they govern and the way they talk down to the public is a measure of how they treat us all with contempt and just want to rinse us for money without actually delivering anything of value.  Damaged goods, not fit for purpose, totally inept Pigs with Lipstick.  

Treat us with some level of intelligence.  Don't talk down to us and don't think you are our lords and masters.  As always, I try telling people that these are our servants not the other way around.  They were voted in to do our will but like them all, they totally p1ss on us and tell us it's raining.  

Old "Let me make it clear" and his party are a laughing stock not just here but wider in the world. No invite to the Inauguration for any of them tells you a lot.  No speaking part at Davos should also tell you a bit more.  The loss of over 10,000 millionaires who've moved to the UAE, Singapore, USA, Canada (God knows why you'd go there) and other such places tells you all you need to know about the UK right now.  Coming down the track of the high speed crash (although it will appear to be slow motion) are a series of economy damaging events.  They happen on a daily basis.  Supermarkets are culling staff, businesses that have been around a long time are going into Administration, recruitment has slowed as if an emergency brake has been applied.  Prices continue to go up and I have seen my energy bills and food bills I'd say double in 5 years and I think that more pain is on the way.

I have to laugh when you see their haunted faces and the slow realisation that perhaps something isn't right with country.  They are getting sh1t from all sides, no one wants to know them, they aren't a cohesive unit and do stupid things and say even stupider things and dig themselves into a hole.  Competent is not a word that can be used for any of them really, they've never had a job in industry or diplomacy or anything useful, it's like being governed by the loud mouthed kids in the sixth form who know everything about anything but haven't left home and gone to earn a living yet.  Whose only experiences of life have been gathered from brief encounters behind the bike sheds, a cigarette shared and drinking p1ss weak lager from a tin!  

Why we tolerate such imbeciles running the country and poisoning minds with double speak and frankly race baiting rhetoric I have no idea.  Surely we look on "Let me be clear Kier" and shake our heads in disbelief that he appears to have no grasp on the reality of the situation, the mood of the nation and how he seems to blame anyone else but himself and his policies for the situation we are in.  His and his parties stock answer to legitimate questions is to parrot out in his Dalek voice that we are all far right or some such thing.  Look into that man's history and you'll see that everyone you know is far right compared to his political beliefs and his past political affiliations.  Poor old Jeremy Corbyn is further right of two tier Kier.

I think that there is a ground swell of anger that should not be ignored.  I cannot take any one of them seriously and they are minnows in a big pond of big fish.  They are getting cut down to size and their authority eroded each passing day.  I wish the great majority of the UK public start to see through this veneer and also start to understand the propaganda that we are subjected to daily by well meaning, well intentioned but utterly bereft of scientific or logical substance behind it.  Parroted out multiple times a day sh1t like climate change, carbon emissions, EVs, renewables blah blah blah.  You are told what to think and how to think, programmed by the BBC and state media and yet if you just scratch beneath the surface and so basic research you'll find that all is not as it should be "Something is rotten in the State of Denmark". 

It's easy folks.  Look up what a Renewable Windmills is made up of, how much energy it takes to make and which parts are actually "renewable" and then add up the costs, work out the rating and the efficacy and just see that if you are worried about carbon (dioxide) then plant a few trees, job done.  Don't conflate pollution with emissions.  Don't believe that things are getting worse when in fact they are getting better.  Think there are more hurricanes and wild fires and disasters?  Go look at the people that would be hit in their pockets if it were so.  Go look at the insurance payouts.  As a rule of thumb, follow the money - ALWAYS FOLLOW THE MONEY as it will lead you to all truth.  Remember who gets poorer and who gets richer from these clean energy schemes and in which way does the money and taxes flow?  

I love being lectured by people who tell me that they are saving the planet and they probably feel quite righteous that so much of their household income now goes on green stuff and taxes.  And, they want more of it.  Less plastic, organic, plant based, blah blah.  A fool and his money are soon parted.

Anyway, that's enough for today.  Remember taxes are good, Ukraine needs to be freed from slavery? We should pay lots more money for stuff that doesn't actually work and that aren't renewable, believe everything you hear, diversity is our strength, make everyone poor and stop complaining.  I think that will do as my mantra going forward. 

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Zero Empathy

That's me apparently although I'd suggest that's not quite zero but pretty close.  It's not that I don't have feelings but I don't react the way people expect me to.

If someone dies here then I am sad about it but it doesn't really upset me.  I was sad that my dad had died and in the way he did and I had one night of watching a couple of films and having a scotch or three and that was it really.  I had to tell the girls and it was my birthday the next day and so I had to be OK for that.  We raised a glass for dad and then it was pretty much business as usual.  By that I mean, I went up and spent a week with my mum sorting out all the arrangements and wrote the eulogy, argued with my brother who wanted a Requiem Mass type funeral when my father was at best tolerant of religion.  I needed to explain that it wasn't his funeral (or his guilt in reality) but our dad's funeral and he would want anything fussy and certainly not all this religious guff my brother wanted.  He can have that for his own funeral.

I don't have much empathy with politicians (as you know) and my fellow creatures here in the UK seem to be posting drivel again and sympathising with those being deported from the US and so on.  I doubt they get their news from anywhere other than the Guardian or the BBC to post such trite stuff so they don't get the time of day either.

Stuff 3,000 miles away might be shocking to these people but they don't appear shocked by the goings on in our own country and are deranged when it comes to Trump and do not appear to actually investigate what is actually going on and what mandate he has.  We have a Dalek in charge here who does nothing other than p1ss me off every time he or his robot ministers speak.  They think that by saying something, it automatically happens somehow, by magic perhaps?  We should perhaps be worried about our own predicament first  rather than the land of the free 3,000 miles away from us.  So once again, zero empathy , some incredulity and some anger but I don't care what happens to them.

Back to death and I see that making objects out of the clothes of your dead relative is a thing?  So you hand over some stuff and they make a teddy bear or some such thing.  I have a small handful of things that were my father's and a few things from my grandparents.  Other than that, I don't have my children's baby shoes, first toys or any such thing.  What's the point?  They go in a shoe box, get put in a cupboard and forgotten about and when you die someone clearing out your cupboard throws them away unless maybe it's your kids and they keep them LOL.

INTJs are built differently and so whilst there is some emotion it quickly gives way to ongoing practicality and just getting on with your own life.  2025 has been bad so far with three deaths in three weeks.  It's the time of year of course and the older you get the more these appear closer to you.  

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Look With Envy To The West

I find it curious that we in the UK are fed US news in a way that makes us fear the New President and are certain, from our backward third world country that the citizens of the US voted incorrectly!  How can we throw stones in our metaphorical glass house as we have Mr. Charisma himself running our country into the ground like a WW2 Zero Pilot he picks up speed each day until the aircraft is exploded onto the crowd of tax payers, many thinking he is doing a good job!

It's not in our gift to work out how the US should conduct itself.  From my humble one voice in a million I hope that the US leads the way in breaking us all from our slumbers.  Dream walking into Net Zero, a guess to two decimal places from a computer model not real data.  Made to destroy our businesses and our lives because we can't allow ourselves to be independent we must take our orders from zealots and financial institutions.  F**k the people, tough luck to us who have seen our bills double in 5 years and our ability to earn enough money to pay for the doubled bills halved, tax burden massively increased to 70% and for what?

No the US is leading the way and the wishy washy liberals can cry as much as they like but enough is enough and all of this regressive draconian weight of tolerance (which is nothing but tolerant).  This dressed up confection of debauchery and tail wagging dog policies that benefits 1% to the detriment of the 99% needed to stop and from the top down.  You don't want this stuff sorted out at bottom up level for there will be a bad outcome from that.

No matter how "good" you think you are being, no matter how "kind" you think your policies are, they result in inequality and despair, punishment for the innocent and praise and high honours for the wrong doers in society.  That's why I look to the west with some envy for they have finally woke up from their slumbers and their false societal experiment, found it benefits few and punishes the many who pay for this nonsense.  I hope that they lead the way a beacon to us and we feel the heat of their changes and melt our political system, our corrupt, think, stupid, politicians and we ourselves change this unfair society thrust against our will on us.   

It doesn't take much to peel away the veneer of politically corrupt damaging policy to comprehend the damage it does to us for virtue signalling, lack of joined up thinking and crazy directions that destroy economies and lay us open to security issues in food, transport and unwanted attention from anyone from a medieval backward thinking, full of hatred external country.  Politicians lose sight of such things until it is too late.  Let us watch and learn how to move this all forward and to that we actually need to thank our US cousins for voting the way they did.

You may think all of this is nonsense but it's OK 'cos Joe Biden pardoned me for  writing cruel hurty words like this! 

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Opticians Why So Expensive?

 Well apart from the delay to my appointment meaning I had to extend my car parking it all went rather well.  Getting old and failing eye sight and hearing and general health - it's not fun is it?

But, as it goes, one of my eyes has improved slightly and there's no major problems excepting the start of a cataract forming slowly in one eye - not please about that but it is what it is I guess.

My prescription has hardly changed but my glasses are 4 years old now and I have a small crack where I dropped them on Christmas Day - the oven surprised me with a huge gust of vapour as I opened it and my glasses fell to the floor and a small hairline crack by the lens screw has appeared. So I saw a couple of frames I liked and we quickly put together the cost for them.  Little change out of £600.  So I went to my previous online supplier and got them for £150!  Yes - why are the shops so expensive?  

Our PM has been on TV "addressing the nation" luckily I didn't watch the Dalek and of course, he just spouts lies and deflects the criticisms back at us "far right bigoted voters"  - The car crash is still happening in slow motion and these cretinous politicians have nowhere to hide now.  Their true colours are coming into view and maybe the rest of the population might wake up and smell the coffee.

I doubt it sometimes though judging by the adverts on Facebook this week someone is selling LPs and asking a lot for them.  Of course, these aren't rare LPs but some of the most well known of all time - the ones that were at the top of the charts for a year or more and sold multiple millions of copies in this country alone let alone the millions around the world.  So in reality they aren't worth that mush as there is no rarity value or scarcity about them, things that would command high prices.

We had the water tank replaced yesterday a mains water pressurised tank and it really has made a difference to the pressure of the water both hot and cold and the hot water now flows properly and isn't a dribble out of the taps and better than that - it's hot all the time.  It was a bit of a shock paying the bill this morning but it should last 25 years they say so fingers crossed it does that.

Monday, January 20, 2025

We Were Beautiful Weren't we?

 An old friend posted a photo of us when we were at school about 50 years ago.  We were the first sixth form to be mixed from the boys and girls schools and we are standing outside of our form room on our last day.  Excited to be leaving school and for our lives ahead and as I looked on the images I realised that we were all beautiful.  We were young adults just growing up fast and there were the girls that I successfully and unsuccessfully courted back in those days and how shy we were and not quite worldly wise at all.  

We weren't cynical, we all enjoyed ourselves and we had no real worries other than would we pass our exams, get the jobs we wanted and have enough money to go down the pub next week.

But oh God, we were beautiful and we didn't realise it at all did we?  With the wisdom of age comes the appreciation of our youth and it is a shame we didn't realise it back then.  There's photos of us all skinny as rakes, healthy bodies, on trips to the coast, camping, having fun and they were great times and memories were made and that photo brought it all back to me. 

We are beautiful now of course but in subtly different ways I'd say.  The only thing I tend to concern myself with is that the utter corruption of our political system has made me a big cynic but I do need to work on getting back to being present, in the now, appreciate and enjoy what is there to be enjoyed and to ignore the killjoys and hypocritical tyrants we now have here.   Let's hope Trump releases a small earthquake here for our Muppet politicians.  

I'd never have thought, when I was 16 or 17 that I could describe my school friends as beautiful but the photo just made me feel and think that way.  

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Incompetence Levels On The Rise

 You see it everywhere but strikingly in public services and government too.  SO bad are they at their job that they regularly screw up and then (if found out) have to get out of it.  All the while a 5 minute job goes out to 5 days, an inquiry takes decades, guaranteed positions get reversed, people work from home or in some cases from other countries and whinge about having to work in an office.  This could have all been foreseen but no one did anything about it and now it is too late because failure is the norm, laziness is tolerated and seemingly encouraged.

I was chatting with my partner about this and how people disliked me at work because I wouldn't tolerate lazy or incompetent people in my team.  Managers would try and provide team members from their pool and if they were late, lazy, incompetent, disrespectful, not team players and so on were dispatched back from whence they came.  They may not have liked it but it meant I didn't have to molly coddle them to "get the best out of them" or deal with them because they were "special" or any other nonsense that came with them from their bosses.  That., after all, was their job, not mine. 

I'd got to that point in my career where no one being a bully or trying to impose their will or team members by "you will do it!" or levering their importance in the organisation would make any influence on me except, perhaps, to harden my stance.  People cannot normally argue against "No" or a well worked argument.  The best part was that you just turned their arguments against them and proved they weren't doing their job properly.  Eventually they learned that I didn't take any waifs or strays from their pool and they also realised that other people would so I'd only get good people.  All the while, they still didn't do their job of getting their team members project and customer facing ready.  Anyway another example of the sort of problems I had to deal with.  

These days we hear about the over reach of the state, now wanting to check your bank balance and take money out of it directly or theft as I like to call it.  It may well lead back to people dealing in cash like the old days and giving them the run around.  Socialists don't like you having your own money, your own life or making your own decisions.  These incompetent, never had a real job, pond life want to control every aspect of your life and for what?  I'd be surprised if they'd have much fun controlling me.

I am still amazed that people tolerate all of this, perhaps they won't when things start to turn into the financial and societal wreckage that's coming down the line at us.  I said to a local councillor that had they correlated the demise in the High Street with the big increase in car parking charges and the length of time those charges applied now?  Had they realised in addition that the bus services only run for a few hours a day and that getting home at night is not possible for the vast majority if you'd like us to use public services.  I could go on about this but it just seems that people make decisions that don't make financial sense.  Like our multi million pound high street that was made narrower for pedestrians but there were no provisions for bicycles or for bus stops so after a few years disruption and then traffic jams and so on they then made the bus pull ins so care could continue rather than wait behind the busses.  If you meet a cyclist there's still no space to overtake them.

Given that they had another scheme that made the pavement larger and incorporated cycle path and pedestrian path and  again narrowed the road.  Cyclists don't like the cycle path which costs a lot of money so cycle on the road that's now narrowed and once again you can't overtake easily.  Another road has an obstacle to slow you down in a 20 mph area so you are slow anyway.   Genius thing pushes you out into the path of oncoming traffic and if you don't know it is there could seriously prang your wheel.

If it ain't broke don't fix it surely, stop interfering FFS but no, they need to get in and tinker with things.  Then they'll tell you they haven't got enough money!  There's plenty to do these harebrained schemes and put them back the way they were.  Incompetence abounds yet again.  Now they are talking about Unitary Councils you can only guess what an awful mess they are going to create! 

I suppose I just need to sit back and watch it all crash and burn but the majority of these people will be on big salaries, huge pensions and they will have messed up their whole working life.  It is no longer a meritocracy it's a box ticking exercise devised by people who failed in the very basics of how things work.  Whenever you see failure and you see a lot of it these days, scratch the surface and you'll see that people were employed to meet a set of targets that are not based on the best person for the job.  The people running these organisations and the people in them don't see it but failure is burnt into the system.  It comes as a complete surprise that their general level if incompetence and ignorance is why that failure happens.  

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Who Are These People?

 The news seems to have a lot of people of notoriety (mislabelled celebrities) in some sort of scrape, separation, spat etc.  I don't recognise them, the show they're meant to have come from or why anyone would be interested whatsoever.   They all appear to be vacuous short of a brain cell types and I wouldn't p1ss on them if they were on fire sorts.

Just who are these people, why do they all look as if they've been to the same hairdresser and manicurist?  What have they done with their eyebrows and why do they always look as if they are pouting? 

Nobody cares!  Well I don't that's for sure.  I'm sure that if you rounded them all up and stuck them in a room together you might get some sort of combined brain activity.  How they remember to breathe is beyond me.  What the hell did we do to deserve such a depressing waste of Oxygen?  

Finally Someone Actually Does What They Said They Were Going To Do

 Say what you do, do what you say were my work mantras and so I was pretty annoyed that for most of this week someone who said they'd be coming on Tuesday didn't, nor Wednesday and by Friday I was fed up that they could see my messages but wouldn't even have th courtesy to say that they weren't going to come along.  It was refreshing that I contacted someone on Friday who called, said they'd be along around a certain time, turned up, cleared some stuff for me and all was well with the world.

Why is it so difficult these days.  The number of people who just never get back to you is astounding.  The number advertising for work just don't call.  It's bad manners in my book.  I'd always keep an appointment and if I couldn't for some obscure reason then a phone call and an apology and a rearranged meeting were how you dealt with it. 

I guess that's the way people operate these days. 

Friday, January 17, 2025

Never Interrupt Your Enemy Whilst They Are Making A Mistake

 Often attributed to Napoleon Bonaparte and I think I remember it from The Art of War by Sun Tzu, a very good book to have a read of especially in the highly politicized office environments I worked in.  

You can try and help people out but often they choose a course that looks very dodgy and will lead to failure or disaster.  Many people don't want to know and find it hard to take advice or perhaps enter into a conversation about it.  You learn your lessons when you are young and you learn to deal with these things.  Cover your arse in writing used to be the other thing and confirm all instructions in a memo.  Now of course, email is more prevalent and probably easier to cover your actions when you can see the disaster unfolding.

I found out the hard way that you have no friends (or very few) in business and so after a very quick baptism of fire, I used the tactic on never interrupting anyone when I could see that they neither solicited or wanted my help.  There is a malicious side to me that takes a sort of "told you so" glee at the downfall of a peer or better still a more senior manager or director.  It's really a lot better when they realise that you did warn them but they carried on regardless.

Those who knew me well, employed me because I was a planner and thinker, a specialist in programme management and risk mitigation / management as well as being someone who was technically switched on.   So my job would throw up commercial and technical risks as well as things around planning too.  I had a rule that said if I had tried three times and no one listened, then they'd be cast adrift if you like.  By that I mean that if I need to tell you more than three times you weren't listening to me in the first place, you were head strong and didn't need my advice or were just plainly ignoring me and not engaging. So that sort of meant they didn't need my advice and I would then go into a different mode of distancing myself from what would be happening 6 months to a year down the line.  I would just go about my part of the work covering the warnings in a "told you so" series of reports and memos that no one took any notice of until the postmortem.

It was at those reviews I would take my file of memos or list of emails or whatever and present my side of the story to the horror of some, the bemusement of others and the anger of those made to appear stupid (dear reader they didn't need to appear for they were).  I could appear all innocent and present the advice I have provided, the risks, the mitigation plans etc that had all been ignored.  ON many occasions I could show with uncanny accuracy what the future of the project held if my advice wasn't heeded.

It sounds a bit "big headed" but it was just me trying to do my job and if I was ignored, it was me covering my position.  Of course, I took great inside joy in the accuracy of my predictions but anyone who had any common sense would have seen these disasters coming.

Silly things like overusing overtime to complete a part of the project - you pay one and a half times to double times more for the same level of production.  If you'd managed it properly and got the right resources in then that wouldn't have happened and the huge losses were caused by paying up to double for the same amount of work.  Other things included not making everyone productive, not covering the costs of all the changes and so on.  It's basic, basic stuff and so obvious.  Lots of other things but a few common ones there.  

So, it's actually a problem (in myself) in that there's a duty to point these things out but it isn't worth making enemies doing so and it is actually quite fun to watch these people have their car crash moments in full view and in some way you subtly letting them know that you warned them enough times but you let them have the car crash anyway.  Today's car crashes are going to happen with our current government and the inept politicians we have now and for the past 20 years really.

There's all sorts of rubbish coming our way and you can see with every policy decision and twist and turn that the crash is about to happen.  The MSM are bigging up the economy today saying that the interest rates will come down and the stock market is up and blah blah blah.  I really don't see it at all, not from what I've seen and heard and certainly not from industry if half the rumours are to become reality.  The tinkering and adjusting are all ideologically driven but have no real slowing down of the speed of the car crash we are going to be in, in fact, it looks as if they've stepped on the gas pedal.  There's no room for growth in terms of energy costs, taxes and if inflation is really running at two and a half percent then I'm a Dutch Man's Uncle.  It's probably around double that, more if you look at energy prices and the price of groceries at the local shops.  

With close to three trillion pounds of debt, our feckless politicians are p1ssing around with minutiae of a million here and a million there when they truly need to be taking a holistic view of this.  All of our services don't work, the bloat of public services is ridiculous and there is just a part of the problem.  Then by making it difficult for the real wealth generators to operate without being hit for more taxes and overheads the problem collapses in on itself.  

Anyway, join me with a bag of popcorn and watch the car crash happen.  It won't be the first time they've painted us into a corner but woe-betides us if the IMF get involved again.  Maybe they were looking to write their book "How to destroy an economy in six months"  I think we just let them have the crash and watch how stupid they'll look.  Incompetence at its finest on full display.  

No One Does What They Say They Will Anymore!

 Why is it that you get connected, arrange something and then people disappear (even though you can see they read your messages)?  

Scrap Metal - guy advertises in all the local groups.  I tell him what I've got and he says "I'll be over this afternoon"  No show, next day I remind him, he sees the message, no show, next day when can I expect to see you, he sees the message, not a word! So I go to the next guy who's verified - not a word back but can see he has seen it too.  Another one, formal contact form on website - nothing once again!  It's enough to drive you nuts!

Brickwork - guy gives me a price, I accept and say go ahead timing to suit yourself - hasn't got back to me.  Been here and put in a price and everything too.

Another one in the local group looking for work, send him the details - nothing.  

Do people actually want the work and/or why would you just not get back and say I can't do it now or I'm too busy or something, any bloody thing really?

It's discourteous I believe to do this and I'd always get back even if I couldn't actually do anything so that people would know.

In other news - I see politicians are voting to end civilization by cutting us off from all use of fossil fuels (as they call them).  Turkeys voting for Christmas. So stupid are these people who do not appear to realise quite how deeply in the mire we are through policies already in place that they want to double down and completely destroy what's left of our industries.  I don't get how these people cannot see that their policies have led us to the highest energy costs in the world (maybe apart from California) and that no one can invest in a country who's energy costs are that high, who's labour costs and productivity costs are skewed and who's taxes are ridiculously high too.  As we hit the skids in this country our people have completely lost sight of the industrial revolutions in the BRICS countries and the lead they have now in just about everything except aerospace and they are catching up very fast.

I was amused to see that our idiot PM thinks AI is going to get us out of our problems.  HELLOOOOOO PM, guess what AI needs?  Lots of reliable and cheap energy.  Google, Apple, Microsoft and the big boys know where to put these data centres and it isn't here.  I like that the Government are going to build these which implies that they will be late, expensive and when they are finally built won't actually be up to date enough.  As always.  

It's laughable (if it wasn't so serious) that these f**kwits really think that by saying something it is going to happen.  Where on earth do they think that growth comes from (apart from between their toes LOL) they haven't got a clue that if you want investment, growth, increased GDP, investment into the country that there needs to incentives and not the opposite.  No one can run a business in this current climate.  My start up will now not employ anyone as it isn't worth doing.  If I need someone I will outsource to Eastern Europe or elsewhere.  The new employment laws, minimum wages, national insurance and other business costs are too much for my business to make it in the UK.  It's cloud based so doesn't really need to be based anywhere.

Existing businesses must be pushing the button now on their strategies to limit their exposure to these draconian rules and regulations.  If they are to survive and deliver profits and dividends to their shareholders they will need to enact various measures which would curtail recruitment and possibly shed some jobs.  Cut back on expenditure (i.e. retract investment), work on ways of mitigating tax and other charges imposed and generally contract their businesses but in order to maintain margin etc., put up the prices to the consumers.  It all boils down to that - the people that pay will be the voters and they n turn will buy less, I know that I am hunkering down and limiting outgoings to essentials as we will be facing difficulties this coming year and the thieving bastards have already taken my winter fuel payment and will clout me with taxes this year on my pension through fiscal drag.  It's the law of unintended consequences and the crippling of the economy not freeing it up like they should have done.

It's nice that our PM went of the Ukraine to sign a 100 year accord.  Also nice to see a lone drone in the sky just in time for the cameras to capture it and for it to allegedly be shot down. As if the communists would take out one of their own?  Yea, right.

So - that's today's rant almost done with.  One day I might get back on track about Bladder Cancer.  The best thing to say though about Bladder Cancer is that I am very pleased to be here still.  It will be 20 years next year.  A third of my life roughly was taken up with that in the background - I never thought it would have been so but it is.  Catch it early and there's a good chance you can be treated and survive.  

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Lacking Courage

 Our cowardly politicians are the modern version of Roman Nero in my humble opinion.  They do not tackle the problems we have far less understand them and they lack the basic skills and the courage to actually do anything about the societal problems we face.  So long have they ignored either willingly, by design or they just don't have the wit to truly comprehend the trouble we face that we are now painted into a corner of woke ideology and the sort of problems that abounded prior to the second world war, that of appeasement.  The trouble is it is appeasement to the minority at the detriment of the majority.  Like Nero they p1ss off the vast majority of the population appealing to a small minority mainly by giving our hard earned money to those who don't deserve it and squander it. 

They show no leadership skills, certainly no backbone, no shame, no cognitive understanding and no ability to work out right from wrong!  

Such is the shower of sh1t we have been dealt in the last 20 or so years, very few, if any, statesmen like politicians, poor decision making, no real understanding of risk and reward, investment opportunities are black money holes and they speak big and act small.  The latest "triumph" for our Chancellor in her visit to China was to come back with a "deal" that's a few hundred million a year.  the Chinese must have laughed themselves silly.  She returns in triumph with something that won't even make a dent in the balance of trade and is the sort of pocket money her paymasters give away on a daily basis to causes which have no benefit to society whatsoever. 

And here's the thing, she cannot see this.  She's meant to be in charge of the world's 6th largest economy (not for much longer on her or the economy either) and yet she entirely misses the whole point.  Running away from the problem and showing that you've written the first paragraph of your 10,000 word homework doesn't bloody well cut it.  The economy is going down the toilet, the public are realising that they are being screwed for every penny and no one cares.  The tax burden and the other "going for growth"  policies have had the diametrically opposite effect.  They cannot seem to grasp the damage they've done in that area.

In social cohesion they need to work out fast something to equal up the various problems they and their predecessors have caused.  Immigration where there is integration was always within our grasp but they never understood the people.  Generally we are a tolerant people but what cannot be tolerated is minorities imposing medieval backward practices in this country.  How we have fallen and how the populace is growing daily more angry isn't measured because these politicians are not in touch with the people.  They are the worst type of managers (and we've all worked with them) who don't listen and don't believe what they are told by the workers at the work-face! 

They lack any ability to be brave, to be leaders, to govern for the people.  I liked to think that I was a brave manager and didn't step away from a problem.  I may have planned a little longer than most so I understood the whole thing before acting.  If I had to do something unpleasant that I disliked I still had to do it but I wouldn't fudge it or not do it, misrepresent it or anything like that.  We have cowards, thick, stupid, arrogant, low life, evil non caring parasites as politicians.  Watching the car crash is a little masochistic as it's going to hurt us all but watching their performance and expecting us to be impressed with their eternal failures makes me wonder if they have any shame or understanding of their jobs let alone their fatally flawed decision making!  

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Why Bother?

 I think you should bother but these days, why?  You can generally spot a scam a mile off and Facebook is full of them.  Recently there is a spate of settees and sofas as well as beds and mattresses for sale in the various groups.  They al follow the same pattern, the seller has a strange name and they "work" for strange places.  Some are just obviously wrong and where the were educated, where they love and the location of the goods are quite different.  Many have the same item for sale as the others with identical photos and prices.

Now, when you then see that the vast majority have only been members for a week (or less) and that the advert provides free delivery and cash on collection (only) then I start to wonder how they can do this.  So a Sofa about 350 miles from me will set me back £300.  So that's anywhere in the country they'll "deliver" this.  You just know that it is a scam and they'll relieve some poor person who's saved up for a Sofa of the £300 and perhaps a bit more and they'll either get nothing or perhaps something that's been recycled and is not fit for purpose.

Apparently when I reported a whole bact of these scammers they "Don't break our community standards" or as I read it how low can you go.  The problem is that these damn adverts are shoved into your timeline all the time it was obvious there was something going on but their AI didn't pick it up and when the users send in a report they don't pick it up either.

So is it worth it?  I just block these people on sight now and have done with it.  From what it was meant to be to what it is now, Facebook and the others are shadows of their original intention.  So in many ways, I just use it sparingly now.  It's not worth spending time on making it a community or to help it understand the rubbish thrown at the users.

A bit like Instagram who want more content and I spend quite some time presenting a little more content and nic graphics only to get them on three occasions in three months decide that it is not the sort of content they want and they think it is Spam!  Recovering your account is a nuisance for sure so now I have actually posted up various tins of Spam to see what they think of that!  They can't have it both ways can they.  If you need the content and the users, why p1ss the off with your AI trolling of my content?  Ho hum.  It's best not to worry about or use these things other than to gain the SEO from it! 

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Sixteen Years Ago

 I just saw a not on Facebook that it was 16 years ago when I lost my hearing and when this tinnitus started.  I was so ill - I roused myself to do a talk about the history of the Lodge and we had all sorts of things going on including a Banner re dedication and I managed to drug myself up for that day.  I ended up seeing my Doctor who was very worried saying that my ear drums were swollen and he gave me the highest antibiotics he could which actually did the trick.  I was so ill though that I missed a couple of assignments on my University Course and had to drop out which was sad but inevitably, whilst I loved my course, to try and catch up when I was that ill wouldn't have been possible.

I was doing so well and my assignments were all attracting good marks too.  Oh well, it probably wan't meant to be was it?

Today I am about to go and get some work done in the garden and remove a fallen tree that's landed on my oil tank!  That needs to be out of the way as it will be inspected as part of the work next week when we get the MegaFlow tank changed.  This is a main pressure water tank and I didn't think it looked good when I called the Heating guys in to maintain the boiler.  It needs a new one, it's expensive but should last 25 years if properly maintained.  These guys are good and so I'm confident that they'll do a good job and they always check the tank and lines as part of their job!

Interesting times in UK finances.  I recall the 1970s as I started work just after the 3 day week and remember the blackouts and all sorts of nonsense going on, strikes, rubbish piling up in London and so on.  I certainly hope that those days don't come back but the way this lit are going I'd be surprised if we don't have some serious problems coming down the line at us.  I'm not sure where they think that taxing us to the point of our own bankruptcy is the way out of their self inflicted own goal but I often said to my bank "How can I been overdrawn when I've still got cheques in my cheque book!"