It's all a bloody con, all of it. Heat Pumps, Windmills (17th Century technology re-imagined), Electric Cars, or battery cars (20th Century technology replaced by cheaper reliable ICE cars) look at London of the early 1900s and see the electric cars we had back then. Solar panels and "CHEAP Renewable" energy that is neither cheap nor renewable.
The bare faced lies about how better our lives would be is not matched by the action nor the will of the politicians. The bottom line is we cannot afford it. Estimates of £3 Trillion or more just for the UK to achieve a reduction of 1% of all the CO2 in the atmosphere. Absolute idiots. with CO2 at 424 parts per million we really could do with more around 1200 parts per million as that would green the planet and increase yields of crops etc.
But people suck this sh1t up and love it, telling me about Climate Justice and all the wonderful things that will happen when we give up oil and coal. Where do these people think nearly everything we have relies on these fuels - I won't say fossil fuels as that in itself is another gimmick word like Global Warming, Ice free Arctic, unchecked global sea rise, extreme weather and any other crap adjectives they appear to throw at it.
Some basic questions could be asked about the rise of humans. They came out of Africa and moved along the coasts and populated most of the world. They did indeed do this without oil, gas or coal (I guess). So presumably it was a lot warmer back in those days or you'd have frozen to death without clothes and shelter of some sort? So today, could you live without clothes and central heating? Not here in the UK, you would die and it isn't warm enough even in the summer without fire, clothes etc. So why do people want to go back to a period when without these essential to life sort of items you'd die? Have you observed the poor homeless on the street? Would you like to end up there, in a cave or all the things you take for granted?
I see the JSO brigade were out this morning trying to block people from flying using their nylon clothes, oil based trainers, oil based glue - you get the picture. They all look the same whenever you see them, the sort of Hippy styled never worked a day in their lives sorts who are cult like certain that they are right and the vast majority of us are stupid. Luckily people were walking over them and dinking their suitcases into them doing so.
I don't feel the resentment brewing yet, I suppose give the Labour Government - they appear to be lying already about things like the economy and why we must pay more money to them!!!! It will hopefully end very badly indeed for them too. Government Money = Our Money....
Anyway, enough of a rant for today - I just need everyone to wake up, do a little research and get angry that we aren't better off even though the bloke who's in charge of energy told us years ago that we would be. We are paying the highest taxes already since WW2 - around 70% burden I understand and it's going to get worse. It's already turning into a sh1t show and this bunch of clowns are so detached from the public and what they think that things could indeed start to turn if not this year then I hope next year... We wait and see if the pain caused by higher prices and taxes will wake the great unwashed up and they will be heard.
My MP is probably fed up of me telling him what I think. Not enough people do this though they just carry on being "RULED" by these incompetents.