The level of complete unawareness - cognitive dissonance if you will, of our ruling class borders on complete ignorance.
Let's take the hooligan element out of it as there are other ways to protest, such as the Gandhi style of making yourselves ungovernable. What's happening is that no one is listening to the population of this country. They say they are but they just don't get it and they don't understand that their actions (or the lack thereof) has some sort of reaction. Things have been going bad here for 20 - 25 years or so I guess, certainly since the last Labour Government and no one has tackled any of it. The stealth taxes, the immigration and the lack of integration of those immigrants. The rise in sectarianism, the lack of values of these people, the loss of our country's values - if you don't fit in but want to make our country like the sh1t hole you escaped from then you are coming here for the wrong reasons.
The lack of value of human lives, the rise in violent crime and all other forms of crime and not doing anything about it. Penalising ordinary citizens with ridiculous road and car rules, green taxes rocketing fuel prices, no Plan B for when the wind don't blow or the sun don't shine. Shutting down our industries and pricing them out and now importing all our goods and services - moving your half-witted green agenda off shore! Wankers!
The new Government are now myopically trying to work out whey the people are angry and upset. They have started to have enough, it's beginning to brew up and they don't realise what is causing it and are treating the symptoms and not the cause. Weak on crime, blaming ordinary citizens, making us pay through the nose for their failings, higher taxes and no improvement in services. Obvious and outright corruption right in our faces but of course, it's our fault, the great unwashed. They've forgotten that they were put in place by the people and are there to serve us not vice versa.
They throw our money around the world giving it to countries, some of whom, have their own space race! They promote war(s) and send out money there, they give billions to people who've never done a decent days hard work in their lives who then lose it and plead it was somebody else's fault all the time, the public take the brunt of the f**k ups. Take the Post Office and all the innocent Post Masters and Mistresses locked up because of a Corporate cover up. The people at the top get a slap on the wrist other lost their livelihoods, their families, their life savings, their friends and some lost their lives. Just collateral damage for the corporate good/greed.
Don't get me wrong. I'm a capitalist and a conservative but all of this corruptions and inability to control money, do the right thing, bring people being paid our money to heel and get them to actually do the job they are paid to do, it's basic sh1t right?
My job back in the day was to get things done. In my world, someone who was not fit for the job would be reassigned or fired. Simple as. My bosses and our shareholders wouldn't allow for anything else. It didn't matter who you were either. They were there to do a job for which they were handsomely paid and whilst we all make mistakes, failure to do your job, deliver on time, cost, quality etc. was the fastest way to see the exit doors.
If you stand up and say that these things are so, that immigration is out of control, that people are not assimilating in to our way of life, that the tail wags the dog so to speak, that crime is out of control, that we are being robbed of our money by people who squander and p1ss our money up the wall, well.... you guessed it you are Far Right apparently. So be it. I suggested many years ago that there would be a kick back against all of these things. You can only berate and beat the public unjustly for so long. Beating up the working class will get you into very hot water. This Government are just beginning to learn that. It's a bit late though.