They try so hard to be knowledgeable about ordinary people's lives, the climate, the countryside and they fail spectacularly to comprehend life outside of their bubble and yet they do not appear to have the capacity or indeed the wit to come and find out for themselves the raw data, the reality if you will of whatever subject they happen to be spouting on about.
They, along with the feeders (bottom feeders in my opinion), will happily tell you how it is and because it is their notoriety their followers, sheep like, take up the mantra and act as if it is true.
Anyone who knows me, knows that I take nothing for the truth. I was very lucky in that my lecturer when I was young challenged everything. I worked in a business who's watchword was "Challenge Accepted Thinking" along with "Do The Right Thing". My job, the more I think about it was not just Programme Management but actually data analysis, making sense of the actual data collected to make decisions on.
We live in a strange world where mediocre pop stars can be authorities on global climate patterns. They can tell you all about how wonderful immigration is and how we are enriched from their security gated ivory towers. These people don't live a life like us, the majority. They live in a world of make believe, they are, first and foremost, actors and their job is to bring fantasies to life and pretend to be someone they are not. Pop stars, presenters, narrators, actors and the other "Celebrities" or persons of notoriety as they should rightly be labelled are not scientists and indeed some scientists, historians and the like are not celebrities either.
The law of unintended consequences is well applied to these people who never suffer the outcomes of their meddling, who don't appear to use their brain before the engaging their mouths. Actors who think a man can become a woman and vice versa. It reminds me of the Time Team archaeological programme when they used to dig up a skeleton after thousands of years in the ground. Did they pronounce which one of the (I've forgotten how many there are now say 167) genders? NO! Did that know what they identified as? NO! Indeed they'd look at the pelvic bones and say whether it was a man or woman based on the facts presented, both male and female skeletons are different because women can have children and are therefore physically capable of doing so and men cannot are likewise shaped in such a way as to make it impossible.
The animal charities aren't actually doing an awful lot for the countryside at all and certain carrion type birds are protected where they should not be. Landowners and farmers who actually work the land are ignored and fashionable re-wilding is introduced where it shouldn't be. Our council are happy not to cut verges and growth on roundabouts but you cannot see roadsigns, speeding traffic especially turning in and out of side roads where verges are growing above the height of the car windows. Roundabouts with high growth means you cannot see the boy racers coming around until they are almost on you.
Twenty MPH road speed limits are another crazy idea as my car wont do 20 unless it is in second gear. It might judder along in third gear if I'm going downhill. Now, I'm all for speed limits in the right places, controlled by timed lights - School times, Hospitals, perhaps high streets although I've never known one get up to that speed and certain residential roads. Not trunk roads and main roads though. I've had people overtake me when I'm following the speed limit and surely my car is spitting out more pollutants and not being efficient at 20? It's designed to do 30 mph in 4th gear not 20 mph in 2nd. Oh well. Now they have the no idling in certain places. My car has an auto system that turns the engine on and off (apparently). I don't use it as it's highly likely that starting and stopping the engine spits more fumes out than idling? I don't know if that is so but of course the other thing is that the cars systems run off the engine especially those like power steering and Air Con, Some cooling and so on. I don't know what they are trying to achieve here?
Lack of scientific data, other than that paid for by pressure groups seems to me to also be part of the game. NOX levels in London for example and the ULEZ zones - it's a joke. 4000 lives will be save a year. Now if it were true that 4000 people were dying because of NOX you'd have thought it would be well documented? NO, only one person has died according to a Coroner from traffic fumes in the past 20 years. It's just another tax on people and these fines, dressed up charges and so on are penalties imposed on ordinary people. I've said it before that at some point in the future the people will have their say. They aren't angry enough yet. They are easily led and they take what the TV and Radio presenters scripts as gospel. I wonder how they will feel when they find out they've been lied to and everything is found to be a way of making them poorer and the "elite" richer.
Recent riots in the UK are not the way to go about showing anger at the "elite" for a number of things that are wrong. Violence isn't how you get stuff done as the perpetrators are finding out. What is different this time is the tone of the people and I can feel that those that are awake are beginning to get angry. We just need all the sheep to wake up and think for themselves. I'd be surprised if there isn't some sort of outcry after the October budget unless the Chancellor wakes up and smells the coffee. We are already suffering high taxes, payments to pensioners are being withdrawn and energy prices are increasing. There's talk of more taxation and we are already at levels not seen since WW2!! If that is so, then maybe the sheep will really wake up and get furious. Energy costs have almost doubled since the scamdemic and with us now importing most of our energy and materials it cannot be long until the veil is pulled back and the wizard exposed for what it is!