Friday, August 14, 2009

Weighing in with the NHS debate

Interesting the debate over our NHS in the USA. It appears that, as in every argument, the lobbyists have been hard at work and fact and fiction abound. The report I just saw was meant to be representative and yet it portrayed those interviewed as just plain bonkers. I'm sure the editor felt that it was in our interests to see these poor confused Americans who had no real idea of what our system was really like and quoting spurious figures as facts about death rates. If they were true none of us would be left on our little island.

Sure the NHS has problems but no one needs to fund insurance and everyone can have treatment. There may be some issues with how it has evolved and inefficiencies and costs and budgets are all over the place, it doesn't mean that people die or that it is somehow third rate. What I'd suggest everyone does is look at the UK and other European systems and see how they work. Some of the French Hospitals are fantastic. The Scandinavian countries also have an incredible record in this area.

The argument shouldn't be about whether you want an NHS in the US it should be whether the way it provides equality for all can be used as a model. If you have ever read Steve Kelley's blog you will see that there are fundamental differences in the way healthcare is delivered and in the US there is more choice and things are just massively different. However, we both survived and we are both on different ways of being treated. None of us is saying which treatment is the best as the results are the same and despite my pointing out the issues that I have with the system, it doesn't mean, as some were stating on the TV that there are massive problems at a grass roots level.

Anyway, as I'm about to go into hospital today it was perhaps going to be on my mind. I'd just wish someone would deploy some facts to the US citizens so they had accurate information to base their decisions on. It appears that those who have most to lose are providing only one type of bullet and the opportunity to have a balanced argument cannot happen with only part of the story provided for the debate.

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