Thursday, August 27, 2009

Working at Home again

I bit off a bit more than I thought with this document. It is turning out to be a major undertaking. I thought a day would break the back of it but it is day two (and half way through) and still I am crashing my way through without much in the way of a result - just loads of pages that need to be aligned into a coherent story. At least I have the Internet radio going is impressive.

It is GCSE day here so L is going to find out how she has done in her exams. We will know later on today how that has gone as they have all disappeared off to the school to get them.

I appear to be fine and glad I am not having to go up and down by train to work. I will probably go in tomorrow but again, the strange part of this is that I add 3 hours to my day to do what I can do sat in my home office! Bizarre as that may seem it is still the mindset of most businesses these days - it is a crazy scenario as I don't get as much work done at the office as I do locked in my own office here.

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