Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Well that's unusual

I don't often get a bad back. I wonder if it was the exercises I did yesterday - I wasn't particularly vigorous with the stepper or the dumbbells but I suppose not having done any exercise for 2 weeks may be a contributory factor? It is very unusual for me to have back troubles - occasionally of course I suppose.

I've cancelled my Wednesday and Thursday outings as I'm not certain that I'll be OK for them - its a lot of up and down stuff and it is a nuisance but I need to be ready for Friday as we have a big team meeting here at the house with most of the team here. We are really quite close to the end of the road now and after this meeting which will set the direction for the last part of the business plan we can pretty much get on and complete out work.

It's taken well over a year - hardly believable - but not entirely unexpected especially as we lost half the team along the way! :-) It will be interesting to see what the summer now holds for us in terms of moving things forward.

Let's hope my back holds up - I'm being very careful sitting and getting up. Sitting more especially is quite painful and so I really hope that I can keep it rested and get rid of the problem before Friday. What a nuisance!

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