Thursday, May 24, 2012

Long, long days

It sure is a long day.  We leave here at 1, park around 1:30 and then wander via the coffee shop up to the ward.  That is open in this ward from 2:30 and in the previous one at 2:00 !!  We then stay until around 5, go out for 2 hours and have something to eat and generally sit around and go back between 7:00 and 8:00.  It is easier to stay there than to do the 1 hour round trip here and back.

Dad is generally up and down, they don't know whether he will be fit to return home or not and his blood sugar levels are all over the place.  This means he can be good and bad all within the space of a half hour.  He sleeps a lot which is good (in a way) but the hospital is so noisy and he is often woken up for a test or to check temperature etc.

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