Thursday, December 18, 2008

Time to go out again

I am about 1/3 of the way through the research for this history I am writing and that has taken the best part of the afternoon and now I need to go and get myself fed and ready to go out and meet a friend of mine and take him for a beer to his local. I am kind of looking forward to a chat with him. He is a lovely guy and we just need to make sure we don't drink too much - we are prone to doing that occasionally :-0


andyp said...

Yeah David, i to have a few freinds like that,,,,,,if i say we are just having a couple, its like a red rag to a bull,,,Mind you, it all helps to flush us through..

A Dived Ref said...

I got home at 11 pm so I haven't turned into a Pumpkin :-) It was OK but he hadn't eaten (and I had) so we ended up after 2 pints at a Chinese Restaurant where I struggled manfully with three courses and a coffee. He wimped out on me :-)

A bus ride home and I'm back before the pubs actually shut - what an amateur :-)