Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Nothing like a show of blood to get my attention

In a way I had an inkling that it was about to happen as there is a very slight tingling sensation and you kind of know what is about to happen. Even so - it wasn't nice when it did happen but it was just one clot and the associated port coloured urine to go with it. It always unsettles you because it is just so unnatural to see it.

They realised that something had happened but in fact worse was to occur as my colleague had the opposite trouble and was retaining urine and ended up at A&E again being catheterised which was a relief for him. He didn't get septicemia this time but even so - he needs to go talk to his consultant tomorrow about these recurrences.

What that means is that I may end up taking on even more work if he is out of action and I hardly need that as I have plenty of work as it is now.

I'm not at all comfortable with life, the universe and everything at the moment. I don't know quite why that should be? I suppose that I am bound to feel like that a lot in these coming months as I work out what everything means now that I appear to be getting better etc.

Jazz night tomorrow - which will be nice apart from the appalling weather.

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