Thursday, September 17, 2009

One of 'those' days

Well yesterday was one of those days where my sense of humour took a bit of a pounding and even I failed to see the funny side of whatever control freaky thing they have here that means you have to change everything when it is put on your desk even if it was changed according to your wishes last time it was on your desk.

It is the worst kind of management and I very rarely did that to anyone who worked for me. I may have made one set of comments and suggestions as a peer review or actually questioned the technical or commercial content of a document but I never felt the need to fiddle around for the sake of "being the boss" or any other anally retentive reason either :-)

That is what I employed the person to do, as I often reminded them about making decisions and managing their time and projects. If I wanted to manage it myself I would have done it myself and not employed someone to do so. These days it is so easy if you don't want to make a decision you can email or text the boss who makes it for you and then you aren't to blame if it goes wrong.

It was also funny that a small presentation I prepared was remorselessly added to over the past week and became massive. When in discussion I asked how on earth did they expect me to deliver the presentation in 10 minutes, the penny clicked that the original was exactly right in terms of content and timing!!!

Anyway, that's me ranting away this morning - everything takes twice as long as it should. There's never enough time to get it right first time but there's always plenty of time to go and correct it afterwards.

I'm busy as you like today though, I have two appointments and will be home late and I am seriously contemplating taking tomorrow off to catch up on my paperwork and get away from here for a few days :-) I think I have convinced myself that I'm taking it too seriously if I'm not enjoying the work.

Steve is having his 2nd of 3 BCGs later today and as I will be meeting some colleagues for a few beers this evening I shall raise a glass of beer or similar. Steve will no doubt be lying in a darkened room taking it as easy as he can and letting the BCG do its amazing thing. Only one more after this one and hopefully a good length of time off until the next poke and peek to see how he has got on. Good luck Steve. I don't know where the thought just came from but it occurred to me that Steve is "Taking one for the Team" today so as most of the BCG brigade will know what it is like we should, as a team, see if we each can remove a little of the discomfort and share it around a bit. I have to say I felt quite a twinge just writing that last bit.

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