Monday, November 25, 2013

A Week To Go Out More

I don't know why I'm on this "guilt trip" at the moment - or well I probably do.  I've decided that I ought to go out a bit more and get used to it.  It is too easy to sit here and mope around and I got an invite out and thought hell why not let's just go and do it.  So I'm now out Monday, Tuesday and Thursday and Saturday night too so pretty good by my reckoning.  

I plan on enjoying myself and in many ways just enjoy getting out and about - I am actually doing some form of work at the moment and on top of decluttering and selling off most of my stuff I am also writing the new business web site and a load of other things to do with that too like research and pricing matrix and so on.  It will be hard work for sure but I'm pretty determined that once I get moved and settled that I want to launch the business and really make a go of it.  It should be really exciting and I'll have new business cards and be able to launch the business to friends and family as well as to shake down my processes and procedures.  Yes - I sound excited when I talk or write about it I can hear myself and the enthusiasm.

I am tending to stay in and not go out as I haven't got a job - funny isn't it yet I made enough cash from selling my stuff that I quite earnt more than Mrs. F. these past two months!  It is coming to an end but I have another few boxes of stuff to go sell and see how I get on with those then the charity shops can have a dig but I will offer some to people I know first so they can have first dibs.

It will be interesting trying to run a separate household on our same bank account - somehow I feel we may change that around at some point in time.  My savings earn more than Mrs. Fs so it actually I need to use the savings she holds for the interim and then we can work out what to do later.  As I said to her it is a little complicated but I'm sure we can sort it all out it's just a matter of running a balance sheet between us and we do quite well now and she knows exactly how much I spend as I tell her and we balance it all at the end of the month.  Mind you the savings will take a hit as I will probably have to pay 6 months (possibly 7) rent all out in one go and then there are moving costs and on top of that the cost of setting up the business.  I hope that in 3 months I will be bringing in sufficient to stop the money going out and then make it money coming in and start to rebuild the balance.  Mrs. F. owns half the business and as I said to her it's only fair and once we get to the divorce then she can take half of that as well - she doesn't like the idea nor that she is raiding my savings and pension but as I said to her, it is only fair that this happens.  She is worried about the size of house she can move to and whether she can take the dining room table and I keep saying to her does it matter?  This damn thing is wonderful, an antique can seat 14 people or 4 when collapsed - if it doesn't fit the new place or my new place then we can sell it.  Like my piano - if it comes to it I will find an owner for it.  

These are insignificant things to be worrying about I think.  I mean they are things we all worry about I suppose but in the overall scheme of things - what on earth will either of us do with a massive antique 14 seater dining room table?  It's lovely, it's functional but ....  Surely other things are worth worrying about?  I don't know, maybe it is me and I'm just not that interested in 'things' anymore.  I want my comforts, to be happy and that will do me.  I kind of fancy a small comfy home and I don't need a huge amount of space either and there's stuff lying around that's - well - a little bit old and of no 'value' and it's like keeping stuff from years ago - what's the purpose?  I have books that are 20 or 30 years old that aren't current but were my College books - they have no use at all in the modern world - they aren't going to get read or used by anyone most of all me.  They too will soon see a new use as a fuel source or they can head off to a recycling bin.  

So - where am I going with all of this?  Heaven knows!  Goodnight....

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