Sunday, November 24, 2013

Weekends Are Hard

Coffee with Flocky - bless him - sort of sixth sense and knows that weekends are difficult.  They are difficult because Mrs. F. and I are in the house together it certainly is difficult as we tend to fall over each other trying to be helpful and trying to be nice.  Mrs. F. looks sad and there's a 'miserable' atmosphere in the house.  I try my best to lighten the atmosphere but it isn't helping and making light and being in a good sense of humour obviously doesn't cut it if you are feeling as upset and depressed as Mrs. F. is.

I can see what he meant and bless him, Flocky's had a lot of this much longer than I have.  I wont miss this at all, not one bit, but to me it isn't unusual as it has often been heavily oppressive in this house.  I am looking forward to moving out so that I can actually do something with myself at the weekends and in the evenings.  Reading a book, listening to some music, going out, like this morning for a coffee or a lunchtime beer.  Going for a walk etc etc.  In some ways I feel obliged to show that 'I'm suffering too' at the moment but when I'm out of sight and out of mind I feel it will be OK to allow myself to rebuild my life away from any disapproving gaze.

I hope that getting away from here will also allow Mrs. F. to get some time to get over the shock and to start to rebuild too.  I think the way she was speaking the other day perhaps the reality of selling the house - as she doesn't want to stay here - is beginning to sink in.  As I said though, we don't need to rush into a decision we can get on and decide later.

An afternoon of sport, last F1 of the season and Rugby Union and League on and later Snooker so I can happily stay engrossed in TV for the rest of the day and keep out of the way. :-) 

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