Tuesday, November 19, 2013

I wonder what it is with people

Someone trashed my old boss online yesterday and I respectfully pointed them to a documentary about the man who was a true 20th century hero - just a lot of people don't know it.   The response, after this was that the person wasn't in the least bit interested even though what he said was patently untrue and a defamation of character.  I let it go as the idiot wore his ignorance in public with pride for all to see.  What a shame that people behave like this online but they are all big and brave online.  I like to meet these people in real life and face them down as they are very little people indeed.  The amazing thing was this guy was using the very tool invented by my boss to allow him to say what he wanted.  I suppose we give people the freedom to say stuff just as we reserve the right not to have to listen to them :-)

The amazing thing is that another bunch of trolls jumped in so I left them to it.  It really isn't worth the hassle of trying to argue with people who are rude and just out there to throw a punch and hide behind their internet disguise.  A sad reflection on life that someone thought that taking the piss out of my (now dead) boss was funny and intended as a joke.  What a w*****r.  Mind you someone else has to live with and put up with him.

So there you go that sort of peeved me but then again - why get involved with these sorts of people they only get you rattled and they need to be ignored so that they poison themselves with their caustic minds.  

I need all my awareness and will power at the moment to just concentrate on the now and work out what I need to do today not tomorrow and the past is really beginning to get to work again and I need my mind clear of that sort of stuff.  Sometimes it is very difficult to let go of the past.  I am guessing that there is a grieving process going on here that longs for that old idealised life and how you thought your life was when in fact it wasn't like that at all.  I lay in bed last night and had a number of flashbacks and thoughts about whether I was doing the right thing.  As Flocky had said yesterday could I go overlook the things that finally got me to want to leave.  After all I have a nice house, comfort, a cushy life in many respects, I can run my business from home if I want to and etc, etc, etc.  Yes I could but actually, when I lay there thinking about all the compromises and what it could be like (for me) it all became clear once again that I don't want to be treated like that again and all of my empathy for Mrs. F. fell away and I realised that no it wasn't something that would be repairable or that could be recovered for it had happened many times before and it would just drift back into the world that I want to leave.

So this morning, I've managed to pull back up out of a sort of semi dark place I've been in for the past few days and get back to my even keel position.  In some ways I'm even more convinced now that I'm doing the right thing.   

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