Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Not Great Updates On Some Friends / Colleagues

It is unfortunate when you find out that someone you know has Cancer and you didn't know until you heard he was having treatment etc.  Well one of these came to my attention just a few days ago so I spoke to one of our mutual friends and he told me it ain't looking good.  Another Asbestos related Lung Cancer and there isn't a great deal you can do with that stuff I'm afraid.  So it isn't looking good for him.

My friend who had his Esophagus removed has had complications and the day after successful surgery he had his Lung collapse and a serious infection set in which meant he had to go back to the Operating Theatre again and is in a  High Dependency Unit as I write and he has been there some time and is "Very Poorly" which is so sad.  

So there's some sobering stuff to get on with and that is one of those things then I heard that someone else wasn't coming along - there Father-In-Law had been peeing blood for sometime and not done anything about it!!!!!  So it may well be Bladder Cancer but who knows?  So good grief, let's hope they sort him out...

Me?  I'm in rude health really, still have this slight throat problem but it is intermittent and I'm almost certain that it is "stress" related - I tend to have my throat constrict and dry up especially when I'm talking to Mrs. F. as she gets upset and I get upset for her.  Some may think that it is strange that I feel bad for her but I really do and even now I feel upset thinking about how down she feels.  It is a sad old time alright and of course I can't do anything for her suffering so I feel helpless and no matter what has happened I'm a human being and somewhere responsible for part of the situation.

I feel fit and healthy but nothing that even more weight loss will help me sort out.  I think that I've gone into a slight stall again and I hover around 15 stone a few pounds either way.  It is always difficult to get an accurate measurement anyway so I'm not worried about the odd pounds on and off.  I really want to start to get down to the 14 Stone and below mark.  I noticed that my thighs and arms are now more muscle than fat and the side handles around my stomach and indeed my stomach are gone.  I have trousers that fit around the waist now so much so that I have to wear braces to keep them up as they fall off me :-)  Which is great and further incentive to get myself losing even more weight into the New Year.  

I'm still on the Low Carbohydrate High Fat lifestyle and so far in 10 months that's 3 1/2 stone off and I feel healthier and fitter.  I allow myself beer and the odd and I do mean odd thing like a Croissant or Biscuit etc on occasions.  It is just a matter of not eating all the stuff that will ram the weight back onto you.  Here's the link to the simplest site for information.  The video at 1 hour of investment is particularly interesting.    The other 4 videos just go to prove he is a good Doctor but not a natural interviewer :-) 

I've set my lifestyle to be LCHF now and I quite enjoy the food I eat but it is slightly counter intuitive sometimes.  You feel guilty that you can get tucked into a big fried breakfast of eggs, Bacon and Mushrooms every day but hey I'm still here and so far so good.  It will be interesting to see what my Blood Pressure is like and maybe I'll set myself up to do a series of readings for Blood Glucose and Blood Pressure again so that I can compare what they used to be with how they are now.

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