Thursday, October 25, 2007

Clear Again and an interesting thing

Thankfully today was clear again and so I am getting a little more confidence that it was my own stupid fault I was bleeding again last weekend. You never stop learning and everyone says "take you time" and yet I felt I was fit enough to start exercising again.

Anyway, so things are better - great.

Now the interesting thing. Do you think that your personality type changes after you have been through a traumatic or life threatening experience?

I would have said yes, it does. My friend on Tuesday also felt that he had changed. Well, here is the surprise. I re-did my Myers Brigg test and surprisingly I am still the same type INTJ. Certain percentages have changed but not massively. My friend too has changed very little except in one area. The "J" part is Judgmental - both of us showed a rise in this area.

So, what has changed then? I guess attitude. I need to ask my daughter who is taking Psychology to tell me why this would be.

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