Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Ecess of Youth

Well not quite youth but I did have a real blow out meal this evening

Cream os Asparagus soup, Duck in a Cherry sauce (OK boiled potatoes and veg) but then a rather innocent looking pastry but afterwards followed by cheeses that have enough fat in them to turn your arteries into rock!

That is it for a few weeks - I have another one of these meals in a few weeks. However, I hope to have worked off this lot of excess by then!

It is all one big Merry go Round - you do a lot of good things for a few weeks and go and wipe it all out with a massive meal :-) I'm sure it isn't really like that but there needs to be some balance in all of this. I'm just not sure how you balance enjoying yourself with the other need of making sure you are living healthily.

Balance is the answer. Just what is the balance though?

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