Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Internet Problems - Again

A plague on you Virgin Media!

At least I am so used to it these days that I can set a small action plan in motion to get back on line. I left a Little programme running last night that polled the servers every few seconds so it probably hounded the daylights out of them. After a bit of messing around today - I have managed to sort out and get the internet and e-mails back on.

Last night was good although I had a bit of a panic attack in the car when I got squeezed in. I had to sit up in the front. Not sure what all that was about but it was quite scary. I do get a bit of claustrophobia so perhaps that or just feeling cramped with the seat belt tight around me. Don't know. I was quite breathless when I got and and was able to move again - I got into the front seat and I was fine! Strange.

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