I still find it hard to believe that I'm 67 and not 37! I don't feel old in my head but my body, well, that's quite a different matter. It reminds me all the time and thereby hangs the frustrating thing about getting old.
Recently the backs of my hands have been feeling a little tender not helped by Grandson 1 cracking his head against the back of my right hand! Jeez did that hurt. It's where countless cannulas have been inserted over the years (on both hands). They tended to ask what hand towards the latter period but now the skin shows the scars of these insertions as do my arms.
I damaged my knees when I was in my 30s playing cricket and they've never been the same since. I had 6 weeks of barely being able to walk and had to have taxis to and from work! SO now, if I do any heavy lifting or perhaps I'm working off of steps or ladders, I can really feel it not at the time but next day. If I remember I have knee braces and so that helps.
My back just gives me a bit of jip when I do silly things like lifting grandchildren, leaning out too far, lifting heavy stuff. I have a back brace if I remember to use it. At least I don't get the debilitating back pain but I know it is there.
My arms ache if I've done some heavy work so muscle relaxant for those.
My eyes are sensitive in Hay fever season but sometimes they just get weepy. I have heat mask and drops in case I need them albeit its not that often.
Lately my left hip has been giving me some problems - no idea why, perhaps creased bed sheets and lying on them, not sitting properly in my chair, who knows?
I don't get headaches, or very rarely and so that isn't a problem and I've had problems with my ears all my life but I live with that every day.
So there you have it, falling apart although I am pleased that I do not have anything more serious and I'm glad that the Bladder Cancer is behind me and I don't think about it much unless it comes up in conversation or some sort of reminder, normally someone I know who has cancer or knows someone who does.
I think I'm not ready to get old nor do I have the right attitude about it or am I doing things in retirement that I have the opportunity to do. I'm working on that now. I must do things and get out of the house more whilst I still have the energy to do so!