Monday, September 22, 2008

The next lot of wide awake or fast asleep

Kicking in. It must have something to do with the treatment - it is 1 in the morning for goodness sake - it feels like I am jet lagged - I could happily go off to work right now but in an hour I'll be so fast asleep that a small explosion wont wake me.

I may curse these side effects but I suppose I ought not to really.

Interesting note I came across was that the Treatment I have just had really builds and is at its most effective in 6 months time. I would imagine that I could repel a Flu bug from 100 yards just by looking at it. At least the husky throat has gone away a bit now and the flu symptoms are long gone. Aches in the legs, tiredness and wanting to go to the toilet more often are still here.

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