Sunday, February 22, 2009

Combating tiredness

I still find it surprising quite how much energy has been sapped out of me these past 31 months. I struggle to do a full days work at full speed unless I am really into it and excited by it. In the latter case, there is every possibility that I will pay for that with a day off work at some point in time. I get home so tired that I just about get a chance to eat and if I sit down, I sleep.

I have been trying to work out some sort of habit to get into that would involve some serious exercise to see if I can combat the tiredness with physical activity, losing weight, generally getting fitter, lowering blood pressure and so on. All the good things that exercise, added to my careful (but not Hermit like) diet already do. I had worked out that getting home from work would be a good time to do this. First thing in the morning should be avoided - it does more harm than good I am told. Anyway, it seems only logical that as I leave for work early that when I get home is the right time.

Why don't I? Because I am tired and listless and yawning and ready to fall asleep straight away. Before, when I was exercising every day (in the morning) I was actually working from home which made a big difference to me. Of course I wasn't doing myself any favours :-) I used to get up and then go do my exercise before Breakfast and then had a Shower. Then I could crack on with work, do my BP measurements and stats etc.

Working like I do now doesn't give me the personal time I had back then and I am often out - I was out three nights this week! That is irregular and so schedules aren't really going to work even though I need them for getting the habit of exercising.

I need to come up with something creative. One of the guys at work goes to the Gym, three times a week and in the nicer months, also goes running at lunch time. I don't fancy that at all as it would break my day up too much.

I'm sure I will come up with something.


Gary said...


When I was working in Holborn I used to go to the Oasis, just round the corner from Gt Queet Street, for a swim in the morning. I found this a great way to start the day (it also meant that I left having my bath/shower until I got there and so could get in there a bit earlier). They also have a gym. As these are both 'public' (Camden Council) the costs are not high.

You might want to try this?


Steve Kelley said...

For me exercise is draining rather than energizing. I have been doing it after work where the facilities are free. I now have a machine at home (recumbent bike) and plan to switch to first thing in the morning. A study done by the University of Waterloo, Canada, indicates morning is the worst time of day to do any type of exercise such as spine stretches, sit-up, etc. The reasoning is that at night the discs in your back soak up water like a balloon and the stress from sit-ups and spine stretches can be three times greater. You are actually taller in the morning and don't have as much of a belly.

So the bottom line is that doing exercise first thing in the morning for back stretches or abdomen work is ill-advised. Cardio should be fine with adequate warmups. Swimming is excellent cardio, too.