Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Ouch, Ouch and Double Ouch

That was NOT a good evening.

I got worse and worse after my last post and had to keep dashing to the toilet. Passing blood and bits is fair enough but stinging whilst you are doing so down the length of your penis, well - I don't recommend that to anyone. Gee does it ever sting - enough to swear in many different languages too.

I grabbed some Paracetamol and then followed that up with some Ibuprofen and went to bed. Now for the one they DON'T tell you in any of the books or advice letters. Be prepared to leak quite a bit. Luckily I'd thought of that and spread out some cloths like I did after the operations and I'd suggest you get ready for that. You can't tell you are doing it because you are throbbing or stinging so bad! Definitely one to be aware of.

I was bracing myself for the side effects they did publish - like "Flu like symptoms", "slight bleeding and stinging" - I feel like I've been hit by a truck - no wonder people give up this treatment if it does this to you. As for the Flu like symptoms, they were possibly overshadowed by the other symptoms.

I'm feeling a lot better this morning and able to sit down - yesterday I could stand or lie down only. I'm still going to take myself back off to bed in a minute as I still need to lie down and things are still stinging but all is much more controllable now.

The upside is that this treatment must be working. The downside is the side effects of course. The thing to look forward to is that going through this may get all of the cancer out or at least into a manageable state.

I'm sure that all the blood and bits coming out was the body throwing out the Cancerous bits - lets hope so...

More later - check with your urology nurse or doctor about the side effects - I understand some people get none at all!