Well -here we go. Getting ready for treatment No4. This time tomorrow I'll be 2/3rds of the way through. 4 down and 2 to go.
I'm going to slightly delay taking the pain killers and the anti inflammatories until nearer the 4 hours afterwards mark to see if I can get more effective use from them.
Another thing that bugs me - when I go to the Hospital, my wife - who has been fantastic - drops me off and waits for me, even if she has to drive around for a while. The reason? No car parking spaces to be had. A brand new hospital and you can't get parked. If I had to go myself it would be a nightmare getting parked nearby, getting treated, getting back etc.
I wonder how many people miss their appointment because of that. Before you ask, yes you could get a bus or public transport but you really don't want to as the very last thing you feel like doing is waiting in the rain for a bus when you've just had a load of liquid shoved into your bladder. Luckily we don't live too far from the Hospital and so we can get back withing 10 minutes of me being instilled.
Anyway - off to bed and hopefully to sleep. I feel a lot better than I did this time last week and so I'm hopeful that the brain will "give it a rest" tonight and let me sleep.