Friday, November 10, 2006

Turning the Corner

I haven't got there yet. Some people I know are really relaxed with their diagnosis, the disease, what it means and are getting on with their life. I haven't got to that level of comfort or thought yet.

There are a few things outstanding including fully coming to terms with the disease, the treatment and the outlook. The Operations were successful, things have been caught early but CIS is still aggressive and needs regular management. Additionally, I have been off work (albeit working from home) for some time now and I am advised to stay local. It means that I need to plan my life differently. Anyone who knows me also knows that I am a planner by nature. Things have to be done in a certain order and project management is what I do!

There is uncertainty over my Critical Illness Insurance which I really didn't need at this time, albeit I hadn't even realised I could claim. Given the way Insurance Companies are stated in the press to find all reasons not to pay this adds a level of stress that I wasn't expecting to have to deal with.

I think once I have this treatment out of the way, the insurance settled one way or the other and the next steps known. I can then try and plan out the way ahead. I will be taking an extended Christmas break this year and that I hope will allow me time to reflect, time with the family which is important and get some idea of what I can do in the New Year. Of course that is tempered with the fact that I know I am due back in Hospital in January for a few days!