Saturday, May 05, 2007

After two nights out this week and today's indiscretion

I should have expected the scales to tell a tale! They did, I've put a kilo on by the looks of things although the scales were hovering around a bit.

I had a four course meals on Tuesday, a three course meal on Wednesday and of course a burger and some sausages today!

As many people have said before it is easier to put weight on than take it off. Mind you I am still heavier than I was this time last year by a good 6 kilo.

I do like my GP's words though - he was saying about not living like a hermit and to vary food and to do things in moderation. I heard someone discussing a lady of 100 who reckoned that she had lived that long through moderation in all things. She had in fact decided to give up smoking when she was 95 :-) Brilliant.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We have a friend from England here and have just returned from Anna Maria Island
We ate out for breakfast lunch and dinner I will not get on the scales until she leaves
To night it is sausages on the the BBQ etc. and I will be forced to eat them and have a couple of beers
OH well SODIUM and FAT never mind
