Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Precancerous - exactly what it says on the tin

A premalignant condition that, if left untreated, may lead to cancer.

The treatment should ensure that there are none of these precancerous cells return and that nothing gets back to where it was before.

It is a strange thing that you can't see anything wrong, you can't even feel anything wrong most of the time and you can't see what progress you've made or how the treatment is going. It makes having bladder cancer a surreal experience. In fact, the only times I feel ill are post operation, the stress before an operation and the BCGs make you feel tired and a bit sore. Other than that, you wouldn't know you've got problems. It was like carrying around an unexploded bomb in your body and not even realizing it. Bizarre.

As today progresses the more I realise that I really have crossed that line between the extremely dangerous and the dangerous but manageable. I still thought that I'd get hit with waves of relief or joy or something and it is not really like that. It is more a satisfied smirk than a fist clenching and pumping YEA! Oh well - you can't have everything.

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