Thursday, March 29, 2012

A bit happier this morning

I think I managed to get stuff off my chest last night and published two blog posts which were a little too honest and a little too intimate and so I pulled those this morning.  What it did was it freed up what was on my mind and that certainly seems to have emptied my head of the rubbish that was there.  

I am impressed with this diet.  I was worried that things were slowing a bit but today pulling on my trousers and putting my shirt on was encouraging as my trousers are very loose and my shirt just hangs on me (and not my stomach which is no longer protruding out).  That's a big improvement but I still need to loose some more.  I did a Blood Pressure check and I'm back down to normal as well so that too is encouraging.

Not much is happening but I am dropping A off to the station later as she goes for her interview up in London.  I'm probably more on edge than she is.

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